I think it should be in ARRahmanfans.com instead of arrahman.com.  because
essentially, the contents are from this group. so it will make much more
sense to use our own groupp's domain than to use AR's personal website.

what it currently does is that just display the yahoo group in an html
frame.   instead we can point it to a real server and have the website
there  with all its bells and whistles and database and what not.. with a
link to the yahoo group.

in addition, we can also display the latest goup mail /  posts in the
website using XML feeds from the yahoo group. so,  the user experience won't
change a lot. just that we are adding in a whole new set of features to what
we already have.

And I am assuming that we have some people willing to help with the
contents, development and stuff. Som I am thinking of making a draft of the
work flow for the project. I will work on it tomorrow and post it here and
you all can contribute. or if someone has started that already, please mail
us / post in the group.

but first,  we will wait for gops to confirm that we can do all this.

ok.. i am sleepy.



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