My loyalty to ARR and his music will never matter what 
happens...never.  Once for ARR...Always for ARR!

--- In, "rajesh_36eee" <rajesh_36...@...> wrote:
>       As A R Rahman asked media to project 'positive image' of Common Wealth 
> Games.Then media turned against him and they are now portaying his negative 
> image now.They just want some big news....if they don't find any then they 
> will for anything/anyone any try to make news out of it.....remember the 
> mumbai they indirectly helpled in guiding them.....they just 
> need some news and coming to politicians, they had planned it that they would 
> make use of it by 
> disliking the song song just to divert the attention of people from the 
> ACTUAL WORK.....ACTUAL EVENT......that REALLY MATTERS .........and we as a 
> fans are responsible for all these......the media is watching our 
> group/forum......which is the core source to everything they are 
> getting.....we as a fans need to stop all this......... A R Rahman needs our 
> support more than ever this time..........we need to support him.....we need 
> to hate media.If you are truly A R Rahman's him by just 
> replying to this message...."YES WE ARE WITH YOU...RAHMAN".
> Hope you Are understanding what I am saying......and please stop sending 
> negative messages ........Moderators we need your help ........please filter 
> the negative messages.........
> Just listen to the track 'The Power of Politics'....a BGM from 
> Iruvar/Iddaru..........its awsome.......this BGM perfectly fits the present 
> situation.

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