Rubbish, I dont think its worth talking about it, We all deep inside know that 
the song is excellent, why would you want to compare 2 songs falling way apart 
in genres, please ask shakira to compose a shehidiye (Alaipayuthe), she 
cannot...I will stop listening to ARR is anyone else does,
AR Rahman is at a different level, 
I still dont understand what people along with all you fans are expecting, his 
songs are as good as ever, Listen to them more and more, i bet you you would 
like them, I am sure we are not in a position to what to expect from him, which 
is leading to all this confusion, dont just blindly compare, while listening to 
a song - listen to that song only and thats it, why would you want to rate or 
compare. If the media is going ga ga, let them, why would you want to add you 
blah blah to it.
I like all his compilations, i dont need anyone to tell me whats good or whats 
not, please decide for yourself if you want to continue doing it or not.
Thanks for Reading


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