Message to A.R.Rahman Sir:

YES ! A.R.RAHMAN SIR, you know very well that WE ARE ALL WITH YOU, WE ARE YOUR 
TRULY FANS. With or without big hits, with or without awards, we are with you 
and have been following you since ROJA. I personnaly felt in Love with you and 
your personality for many reasons; for your music, for the person you are and 
for your ideology especially for your views for India and its people. 

Nobody in the cinema industry is more Indian than you and when people criticize 
you, you should not feel bad or react badly (I know it is not your way of 
behaviour, afterall we are all humans). All these critics are comparable to 
EVIL temptation to break all the Good you have achieve, by ignoring these 
critics and concentrating only on your music and taking into account that so 
many people love you will make you surpass this chaotic situation and then you 
will be compared to a Saint (which you are actually to my mind). 

Not only India, the world has always loved to bring down the stars, to put them 
on the floor and walk on them. Each individual in this world sometimes wants 
destruction of something which is successful. People does not like that the 
Numero 1 is always Numero 1. They will find unreliable reasons to bash the 
Numero 1. This is Jalousy and it is universal.

A.R.Rahman Sir, I know that you are actually not that affected by all this, you 
have seen worst things happening in your life, and these critics are just 
ridiculous (comparing you to Himesh or any other, what crazy people !! Actually 
Himesh should thank you for this).

Fans from all over the world support you !!!


Message to ARR Fans:

I am from Paris (France), I suggest that all the fans in the world do something 
to support ARR. Fans in India can group and protests peacefully and calmly on 
the street to support ARR Sir, or they can vote for ARR for the CWG theme,  I 
have many ideas. I think the best way is to open an internet site to support 
ARR and the theme which will allow vote by fans from all over the world. If the 
officials don't like ARR theme, do they have another one to compare it to ? Let 
the people select the theme, that will be more reasonable.


Why everybody is silent, common guys do something, you can not count on 
politicians and media, they are generally the same worldwide acting only by 
personal interest, India is THE biggest democracy in the world, people should 
do something.... 


from Serge BELIER

Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 21:54:11 -0700
Subject: Re: [arr] Re: WE ARE WITH YOU...RAHMAN

I loved the track! It is far better than the competition..! No doubt, WE ARE 

 -Moin Ali

--- In, "rajesh_36eee" <rajesh_36...@...> wrote:
> As A R Rahman asked media to project 'positive image' of Common Wealth 
> Games.Then media turned against him and they are now portaying his negative 
> image now.They just want some big news....if they don't find any then they 
> will for anything/anyone any try to make news out of it.....remember the 
> mumbai they indirectly helpled in guiding them.....they just 
> need some news and coming to politicians, they had planned it that they would 
> make use of it by 
> disliking the song song just to divert the attention of people from the 
> ACTUAL WORK.....ACTUAL EVENT......that REALLY MATTERS .........and we as a 
> fans are responsible for all these......the media is watching our 
> group/forum......which is the core source to everything they are 
> getting.....we as a fans need to stop all this......... A R Rahman needs our 
> support more than ever this time..........we need to support him.....we need 
> to hate media.If you are truly A R Rahman's him by just 
> replying to this message...."YES WE ARE WITH YOU...RAHMAN".
> Hope you Are understanding what I am saying......and please stop sending 
> negative messages ........Moderators we need your help ........please filter 
> the negative messages.........
> Just listen to the track 'The Power of Politics'....a BGM from 
> Iruvar/Iddaru..........its awsome.......this BGM perfectly fits the present 
> situation.


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