ignore the indian media altogether.  i know a lot of people would say that
you need media to promote you or whatever.. but Rahman never had to get any
help from media.  his success is his own and media shouldn't be trying to
milk that cow by getting his interviews.

i am furious! lol. it is so unlikely me.

its like all of this is happening to me.  i guess that is the kind of effect
rahman has on his followers.

On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Thulasi Ram <karoke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> watching ARRs 
> interview<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAQsTvm_AWg&feature=related>again, 
> he was quite frustrated but handled with laughter when question
> related to waka waka was asked. it was quite an untypical answer from ARR.
> needless to say that the reply was fitting but unfortunately media has
> bookmarked it and has been pointing that out left and right now.
> ARR requested media to write positive stuff about CWG. they came back to
> bash ARRs CWG anthem.
> whats the lesson here? - Don't bother and be cool for insane accusations.
> Hope ARRs silence symbolizes that. for the past two days, even m disturbed
> due to this meaningless turmoil. i dont know how ARR handles this. Let God
> give him all the power he needs to stay focussed. Iets pray.
> p.s: i wish ARR doesn't open up the floor for questions in the future. all
> u hear is BS. 1-1 interview would work as we haven't noticed any bizzare
> stuff during that yet.


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