This is not a post to complain or gripe.  As much as I'm enjoying ARR's 
international music of late, I sure wish he'd compose for a film again with 
better scope for more traditional Indian semi classical music and Sufi music.  
Of course, in Delhi 6, we heard quite a bit of folk/semi classical/Sufi music 
and that's the last album we heard ARR in those genres.  When will be the next 
film we hear ARR compose such type of music?  I don't know.  Does anyone know?

I can truly understand members missing that type of music from ARR, which he 
composes more infrequently these days.  It's no reason to dismiss ARR's music 
of today, which is more techno and rock/guitar oriented in general.  The Indian 
soul is not missing in ARR's music of today, but the style and structure are a 
lot more Western and international than what we used to hear earlier this 
decade and before.  This is what I feel some people are talking about when 
comparing ARR of the past vs. ARR of the present and I can certainly relate to 

Once again, let me reiterate....Rahman's music to me is about 
exploration....different musical directions and moving away from familiarity at 
times with experimenting.  In that vein, I appreciate the "artist" side of 
Rahman, whose music is often freely evolving and shifting, very much in sync 
with ARR's need to maintain a stream of creative inspiration and creative 
movement.  For ARR, creative stagnation and only playing it safe and familiar 
is worse than risking alienating traditional listeners.  That is a point we 
must understand.

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