To be frank, till date I have never reacted or revolted against any 
news/article that doesn't have  sense by any means. But this latest IBN stuff 
has bothered me like a hell !!!! They have stooped to such disgusting level to 
gain popularity is provoking me to think enough is enough folks....heard a 
little too much from these shameless goons..!
  If there was a survey and statistical proof in their DUDS listing, it could 
have been dealt much better. But this is just ruthless and straight from the 
journalist's heart yelling out his/her own personal opinions and declaring 
thus! This is by far the most cheapest declaration one could make. Ofcourse, 
this condemnable stuff could not be declared without the authorization of IBN 
 So, its high time, IBN authorities came forward and tender a wide spread 
public apologies for hurting the sentiments of both Rahman sir and 
Rahmaniacs!!! But how to make them do this??? Just replying to this article on 
that page would do?? It won't !   :(   


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