On 9/5/2010 11:05 AM India Time, _myown_niche_ wrote:

> Thanks you all for the comments at my blog as well as here. :)
> First thing, has ARR agreed to retune the CWg theme as is said
> here?

I don't know how you guys are reading english? The article clearly
says "But it is not clear if Rahman has agreed to fine-tune the song."

As things stand, ARR has only been official communicated the mass
public opinion on the song. No big deal as ARR must already have got
that through news channel.

> http://www.tribuneindia.com/2010/20100905/main7.htm
> If it's so, it's an insult to him and this is what we give ARR for
> putting Indian music in global map.

There is no insult.

When Mani made ARR redo raanjha ranjha in raavan and that new version
was put in the movie, why was it not an insult to ARR then?

When so many producers directors are making ARR compose songs, and 
then they are cutting out some songs from the films, why is it not an 
insult then?

> Let him go global and work with better people who can appreciate
> what he does and let him make more money. As someone posted the
> reviews of "127 Hours", I guess this movie by Boyle also is getting
> to be noted by many. So, let him do quality stuff. We don't
> "deserve" him anymore.
> One more thing. If Sukhwinder Singh has really said as in TOI
> article, I don't want to hear him anymore in ARR's music. It would
> be an insult to the musician and the lyricist. How ever good a
> singer he is.

Again, anybody reading that article would find that sukhi is very much 
supporting ARR. He even said that he wants to sit with ARR and talk 
with him.

> - Emmanuel

We fans are creating more problems for our icon than we are solving.


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