It seems we are all overreacting at the moment over the feedback from the 
press/media and politicians (and also audience) in general  about the CWG theme.
Things can be either good, bad or average - and each one of us normally try to 
judge a song based on these three broad categories.
I appreciate we are all ARR fans and would lay our lives for him if situation 
arise - but for a moment, think neutrally, think objectively. Its only a 
feedback, only a review about one of his several compositions. The reason media 
or politicians are vocal about it is because its an event of that level. I know 
at times, we all get too swayed , even emotionally in each of his works, and 
try to straighten things even for the smallest remark made for him. But do you 
not think, that for him, as true fans, we should be neutral, unbiased and 
honest in our review. I guess, this will be more appreciated by him rather than 
being too much overhelmed with everything he composes! The moot point is why 
are we taking everything to a very personal level, where the reviews are about 
the tracks and not about ARR, the person!
I have been a die hard fan of him since Roja and have always been very patient 
and objective before jumping to conclusions. I heard this for many many times, 
in my own sweet time and it didn't click me, no big deal! Its not a bad 
song..just that I felt it didn;t fit the CWG ambience - CWG theme.
I only want to request all of you not to make a big deal about it. Reviews will 
always be there - good or bad. If you liked it, well, good. If you didn't 
nothing is lost. I would rather be upfrontly honest then have two layers in my 
mind - just becos I have been a fan for many years? 
Same argument for all the reviews - we all start micro-analysing the reviewer, 
track down his history, his poor skills, and everything! I strongly believe 
(and have put this statment earlier too - that music and for that matter any 
form of art, is a subjective field. Someone will always like it and someone 
will always find it less beautiful. Its not a cricket match to either win or 
Not sure how many of you would agree with me, so chill, look forward to Jhootha 
HI Sahi...and please give yourselves and other good time to listen before 
ripping apart the reviews (or write the reviews).
Vande Mataram,

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