In another post, Ramesh R was talking about a concept called "minimalism" in 
music...using few instruments and sounds to achieve a certain emotional and 
ambiant impact that is very powerful.  ARR has somewhat gotten away from 
minimalistic stuff over the years, but it's still present now and then.

One example, which I provided in my review, was the VTV title song.

Another more powerful example is the first 1 minute of Behene De from Raavan.  
All we hear are some soft tribal drums, chimes, string accents, and some 
vibes...which culminate into this amazingly haunting chord around the 46 second 
mark that completely sweeps my senses and puts me in a trance before Karthik 
comes in.  That one minute....just the one of the most haunting 
interludes by ARR in recent times and I sure wish he'd do more of that kind of 

Look at the little is acrobatics...the music 
breathes so easily, and creates that magic....that feeling....that 
ARR feeling......  It makes you feel like you're floating..a levitation kind of 
feeling.  Many times when I hear ARR's music at certain points, I feel that 
I've dropped one hundred pounds and feel very light and almost about to 
levitate, esp. during trance like moods.  This is the feeling and mood that ARR 
can induce, if you're open minded enough to experience it.  And this is one key 
reason we love ARR so much.....the feeling....the feeling....the feeling!!!!  

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