Nice post.

Vishal has replied to that fella aptly.  :)

On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Taskin <> wrote:

> Dear rahmaniacs,
> I didn't keep any sort of intention to prove anything while writing this
> message. It's just an open communication to my beloved brothers and sisters
> in this wonderful group. This whole fiasco surrounding the CWG theme is
> killing me. Where ever I go online there's something written about it, and
> the negativity is suffocating me slowly. For the last couple of days I have
> stopped visiting movies and news online portals. It's like this fan club is
> the only place where I can visit. Recently a tweet from a gentleman in
> Vishal's page pushed me to the brink. I even cried, man.He said something,
> which was beyond my imagination. Quote, "pls ask him abt CWG anthem. Can he
> do any worse? Shameful". This made me think how ungrateful people can get.
> Keeping aside the fact that, ARR won 14 filmfare awards, four national
> awards, sold over 100 million records, won a goldenglobe, a bafta and two
> Oscars; this is the man who redefined Indian film music. He did good and
> much for the Indian film industry is the understatement of the century. He
> made bollywood cool. Not only shaped the music of India, but all new
> musicians or should I say, this new era of music in the whole south asia is
> solely influenced by Ar rahamn. I'm a Bangladeshi. Every new musician rises
> in our country openly acknowledge ARR as their inspiration. I know so many
> sri-lankans and Pakistani musicians living in USA, and every single one of
> them said ARR is considered a musical god in their music industry. He's the
> most recognized Indian world over. Sorry to say, even more than Sachin and
> shahrukh. I lived in USA most of my life, honestly even before Oscars,
> everyone knew him and respected him so much. And they still do. He has
> worked with western symphony and orchestra way before anyone could think
> about it. Then how could a man, a legend of his stature be dragged down so
> easily. The media fucked up we all know that. Not only in India, but
> world-over , media creates controversy for their own profit. So this is
> understandable, but how could general people write such things about rehman
> sir. How could they?
> There are still tears in my eyes, while I'm writing this letter. I thought
> I should share it with someone, and what this is the only place I felt
> comfortable doing it. Man we strive, to be like ARR. Young, talented
> musicians work hard day and night to achieve the musical excellence or reach
> even one fourth close to it. This kind of reaction from the general mass and
> media is very discouraging. Then what's the worth of working hard if people
> don't acknowledge your talent or effort. I know even ARR has his critiques,
> and always had. It's very normal to dislike someone's work. It's a relative
> thing, but writing remarks like he brought to this country is disgraceful
> and inexcusable. I will never forget the people and the things they have
> said about sir. He's my god, I can't take it. I don't see Lataji or Sachin
> ji getting ridiculed like this. ARR's contribution is not an inch less than
> them, it's actually more. It is very unfair. I don't get it. Of he was born
> in Bnagladesh, he would have been considered as a national hero, the biggest
> asset of the country, not a pop or musical icon that can be loved or hated
> anytime. I'm extremely sorry for the way I'm reacting. But he's beyond these
> things. I have no intention to hurt a yone, nwither I'm tryin to prove any
> point. I'm just expressing my feelings to lighten myself up. I got very
> emotional. I couldn't control myself and wrote this letter in the
> spontaneity of the moment. I consider all the members here my brothers and
> sisters. If you can't go to your friends, when our down, then who can you go
> to, right? Anyways I apologize once again, for writing this long, boring
> letter to you all. I hope you all get the inner meaning that I wanted to
> convey, going beyond the writings. Take care, bye
> Shakib
> A rahmaniac


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