** Ron,

The field id's won't change, since you're making a copy of your original form, including view id's and such. The archive form in turn is just a copy of that form with some fields added. When you import a form in place the T# is also unchanged.

I've just tested it and it looks like it's working fine. You don't even have to hack the def files! Just copy your original form. The copy won't have any archiving info set. Set some dummy info and set the name of the new archive form. Then export the created archive form and reimport. On the import dialog you can change the form name of your copy archive form. Be sure to check the import in place option and volia :) Updated archive form, with the existing data and with all new views.

Ofcourse the usual disclaimer applies, so back up first and try it on a test machine :)

Btw, Remedy might throw the "as designed" at you but the thing is really their way of syncing the forms is fragile as you expecienced.

Hope this is working for you too.


On 9/6/06, Ron Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hugo is correct, I am trying to add the Radio button field because Remedy failed to carry it over when I added it to the original form.  The reason that failed, is because we added a new veiw (the 10th view), to original form and that view failed to carry over.  Remedy says this is normal because you do not need views on the archive form.  But what they are forgetting, is that when the views are not in sync, the Remedy System is unable to carry over new feilds.
I like your suggestion.  It sounds like it would work, but I'm a little concerned about things like field IDs and the T#s of the archive table.  These might change in the process, no? 

On 9/6/06, Hugo Visser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
** Ian,

As I understand adding fields to the archive form is just a work around for him, because Remedy's mechanism isn't adding those fields.
What you could try is this, I haven't tested it (yes it's dirty):

Save your original form as a copy, turn on archiving on that copy so that the archive form you want is created. Then export the definition of the archive form and modify the form name. After that import the "new" archive form in place over the old archive form. Afterwards you can delete the copy and the copy archive.

Hope that works :)

Oh and looking back in this thread I see a similar workaround is proposed, well, hopefully this one is usefull for the archives then.


On 9/6/06, Ian Trimnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:


As James has since pointed out, you can not add data fields to an Archive form.  Looking at Appendix E of the new V7 manual "Form and Application Objects" (or Chapter 7 of the V6 "Configuring AR System") it says that 'Data fields (including radio) cannot be modified or added to an archive form.  All other types, such as trim or table, can be added or modified.'  It also states that fields in Archive forms created by AR System have read-only access.

The question that hasn't been asked yet (at least I haven't noticed it yet) is 'Why do you want to add a radio field to an Archive form?'

We have a mix of archive forms, some using the OOB feature, others where we had to set up an archiving facility before Remedy introduced it back in Version 6.  I have had a few problems with setting up OOB archiving but eventually got the hang of it when I had passed the learning curve that accompanies these new features that Remedy adds in.  I must admit that they appear to have improved it as the versions go on.



Ian Trimnell, AR System Lead Developer (amongst other jobs),
Specialist Support & Information Team, Academic & Administrative Computing Service
Open University, MILTON KEYNES, UK
Phone: 01908 653741   web: http://www.open.ac.uk/

Ron Tavares wrote:

YES!! that is exactly the issue. Thank You, for a while there I was
thinking I was the only one.

As for Remedy's response, initially they opened a bug, SW00248651
But then it appears they closed it saying, (and I quote from the support


"After evaluating the information provided in the open bug engineering
determined that the behavior is as expected, with no plan to change it in
the future. Per their comments: The main purpose of a shadow form is to keep

the archive(or audit) data. Views are not required for that."

But this statement is only true if you NEVER add any additional fields.
Now, after banging my head agains the wall a few times, I figured how to

work around this. By simply re-creating the field, from scratch, being
careful to keep the same properties and ID, I was able to add the field to
the Archvie AND re-enabel Archiving. (Even though Remedy doesn't support

adding fields directly to the Archive form.) BUT, the problem I am having
is with the Radio Button field. Try creating one of these dirctly on the
archive form and you cannot set the attributes. They are grayed out.

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