** Hi All,
i'm seeking some beta testers for the next release of ARInside. Currently, I'm in the stage that I need some people to try to break the new stuff and make properly argumented recommendations about what to change. If you like to work with unreleased applications and have enough time please send me a mail and include informations about your ARSystem installations (version, application size, ...).

I intend to release the next version of ARInside in Q4/06 with the following changes:
+ Remove all MFC relations that currently exist and prepare plattform independency
+ Improve memory management.
+ Speed up the loading and documentation processes.
+ At least 2 different html layouts (lightweight html without graphics and standard layout)
+ Additional data information exports to xml (for example ARQualifierstruct.ToString())
+ Enhanced settings file configuration
+ Implement a 'blacklist' to exclude server objects from documentation
+ Limit ARSystem api calls to ARGet(...) and prepare(!) code for optional offline version using ARSystem Def-Xml export file as datasource

Stefan Nerlich ( http://system.devdor.net )
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