When in doubt about an API call...look at the C header files...

I would bet that your talking about these values:

#define AR_FIELD_NONE         0  /* null field */
#define AR_FIELD_REGULAR      1  /* field of regular schema */
#define AR_FIELD_JOIN         2  /* field of join schema */
#define AR_FIELD_VIEW         3  /* field of view schema */
#define AR_FIELD_VENDOR       4  /* field of vendor schema */
#define AR_FIELD_INHERITANCE  5  /* field of inheritance type */

Aside: What #5 is about.. .well, maybe the future will tell more. :)

I think the right answer for csf's "Datatype" prompt is "join" = 30.
   #define AR_DATA_TYPE_JOIN          30

Then the "Field Mapping Type" would be 2:
#define AR_FIELD_JOIN         2  /* field of join schema */

schema index:
0 = primary form?
1 = secondary form?


( I hope you can take it from there.)

Looks like that worked for me with the v7 driver on a test server.. :)

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On 9/19/06, Alex Straph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks to a helper on the list, he helped me out with trying to use
driver.exe.  While I have been able to do just about anything, there is
only one thing that I cannot do and which I will ask the list for
assistance on.

I am trying to add a field onto a join form.  This field is supposed to
be "pulled" from either the primary or secondary form.  So far, I've tried
to create the field in its entirety, or I have simply tried to create a
field with no display properties.  Either way, I get this error: (273)
Invalid field mapping type.

When doing a gsf on the field I plan to use driver on, I notice this:

   ARGetField  results
ReturnCode:  OK
Field name:  Part Number
Field mapping:
   Field type:  JOIN
   Schema Index:  0
   Field Id : 200000013
Datatype:  4
Field option:  2
Field create mode:  1
Field Bit Option:  0

Note where it says Field Mapping and Field Type.  I'm betting that the
Field Mapping type error I'm getting is because I am not defining it as a
join form.  However, I do not know what the correct field mapping type is.
Anyone care to help me out?



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