
Our specs:

ARS System Specs:
Remedy: 6.3, patch 17
SunOS 5.9


I have a Date/Time field with it's handy selector calendar in a MidTier form that submit requests to a UT-accessed application.

I have noticed that if a Requester enters a partial date, say 10/31, in the MidTier form, it looks like 12/31/1969 6:00:10 when it gets to the back end.

So, I need to limit the Date/Time field entries to only those that are made via the selector calendar.

I tried placing a character field mask over the original date field, leaving the selector exposed. An Active Link was supposed to set the mask field with the underlying original entry once the date was selected, but the whole thing does not seem to work.

Any ideas or other slick tricks to limit the entry option for a Date/Time field?

Thanks in advance...


Lori Gumbiner
IT Systems Architecture - Process Automation Initiatives
Walgreens Co.
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