


If your aim is to “use” AR System API from within Python, there may be few alternative options to consider. But if you are trying to “create” an interface for Python yourself – you’re on right track in trying out C API and leveraging it further to create a wrapper for your language of choice. Let’s talk about both these topics little bit:


Existing choices for Python AR API:

- (Windows Only) you could use apparently effortlessly the AR System .NET API from within IronPython (python implementation for .NET)


The .NET API is a .NET assembly with necessary unmanaged plumbing to the actual C API. Thus you can use this assembly from VB.NET,C# etc and just as well in IronPython. (I have not tried out this myself & I don’t even know python; but this is what I heard from .NET API consumers). [Download information for .NET API is pasted below.]


-        Some time ago, Remedy users did attempt creating a Python wrapper for C API as an open source project. So if you happen to search/browse sourceforge, ARSLIST archives, or google around – you might be able to find where to download this implementation. If your usage is intended to be multi-platform, then probably you might want to check out where this implementation is, as I believe this is a cross-platform implementation. So even if you were to add additional functionality, leveraging this implementation as base is probably a good thing to do.



Now coming to your specific issue with C API usage:


>>>>> Right now I have the application set up to fail at the initialization
stage. So at Step A (marked below) I should see a failure after the
ARInitialization call is made. <<<<<


ARInit method just initializes & sets up the API’s client side for making future API calls to server and it does not quite make any yet. So if you want to validate the login information, then you can force an API call right after ARInit, a good choice for doing this is ARVerifyUser call as below:



ARSetServerPort (optional – needed if server is running on a specific TCP port)


… if error/fatal return code

“Invalid user”

 … if warning or statusList has non-zero items

“Likely user is a guest or some other hint about user’s status”

  … if succeeded

            “then you got a authenticated user”

Now rest of the API calls

Finally ARTermination



Appajee Papolu


·        .NET API builds available for download at:

To reach the download location, do the following:

  - Go to http://www.bmc.com/arsystem/dev_community/

  - Click on Community Downloads

  - You should see this API listed under "New to Community Downloads". Select it.
      [If you do not see this item, do the following:

  - In the Quick Search, choose Download Type: Utility, Category - API, Click Search button

  - Locate "AR System .NET and COM API" row in the resulting table, select it]

  - Click on View Download button

  - Please ensure that the version of this API shown is 7.0.XXXX.XXXXX or higher.

    (Overview tab à Download Version field value)

  - In the resulting page, go to Attachment tab

* Download the attachment named readme.txt and open it for the installation instructions

* Download the attachments named 





  [We wanted to make them into 1 zip file, but Dev Community downloads has a limit on

  the attachment size to be 4MB; so we had to split the content into 4 separate files.

  Although these ZIP files are listed against UNIX platforms, as this API is just

  Windows only API, those attachment slots are simply used to place each of

  the 4 ZIP files and the platform names here have no significance).]

* Unzip all these 4 files into same folder (say arapi.net).

  If any files are prompted to be overwritten - choose OK.

* Follow the INSTALL instructions in readme.txt.

  [Observe the MSI installer is removed in this version and is replaced by a simple

  unzip & a couple of one time steps described in the readme.txt.]


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