Title: Remedy paging using NETPAGE


I'm using netpage for paging software. What is the necessary configuration from Remedy that need to be set to pass the necessary parameters from Remedy to netpage?

I had configured the people form and personal preferences as shown in attached doc. What other configuration that need to be done in Remedy pager Configuration(Step 7) in order to pass the parameter to NETPAGE?

For Messaging:Usage: NETPAGE <Number/Name> [-T<PagerType>] [-N<Service>] [-A ] [

-X<expiry time>] [ -P<priority] [-G<IP Address>] [-B<Backup CCG>] [-C<socket Por

t>] [-Y<Syslog>] [ -S[0]subject ] "<Message>"

Where: <Number/Name> Pager/Handphone number to be paged.

       <PagerType>   Type of number:

                     NUM = Numeric Pager

                     TAP = Message Pager

                     SMS = Handphone

                     FAX = Fax

                     EML = Email

       <Service>     Name of the service provider

       -A                 An ACK STATUS is needed for SMS message

       <Expiry Time> Expiry time for SMS ( 0 - 255 )

       <priority>    1, 2 or 3( highest )

       <IP Address>  IP Address of the CCG Paging Gateway

       <Backup CCG>  IP Address of the Backup CCG

       <Socket Port> Socket port of the CCG

       <Syslog>         Syslog server IP address

     -S0<subject>    Subject field, for EML type message

       <Message>     The message to be paged

 << File: Pager Vendor.doc >>


Best Regards,

Siti Hawa Bee

|||| UOB Group, TSD - IT Helpdesk

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