


Today’s humor is long enough that I send a link and just a few quotes to let you know about the “Capability Im-Maturity Model (CIMM).


Most of us have heard about the 5 positive levels of capable processes: Initial (1), Repeatable, (2), Defined (3), Managed (4) and Optimizing (5) but what about the 4 going in the other direction: Negligent Indifference (0), Obstructive/Counter Productive (-1), Contemptuous Arrogance (-2) and Undermining/Sabotage (-3)?


This article is based on the original research on lower maturity levels presented by Finkelstein in his immortal work, "A Software Process Immaturity Model." [1] This article extends Finkelstein's work by introducing many new Kounter Productive Areas and extending the taxonomy of immaturity levels, thus accelerating the research being done in this vitally important area”


(0) “The ad hoc and chaotic processes followed by software development organizations at Level 1 can, by exploiting the heroic efforts of individuals, produce software.”


(-1) “Level -1 software development organizations impose additional hardships upon the software practitioner.”


(-2) “Level -1 organizations sincerely believe they are assisting software development efforts and following good software development practices despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. In contrast, Level -2 organizations are openly contemptuous of software engineering practices. The Kounter Productive Attitudes in Level - 2 organizations include a complete disregard and near utter rejection of any effort to improve the organization or the way it develops software.”


(-3) “Not content to thwart its own processes, a Level -3 organization actively seeks to discredit and disrupt the work of other organizations. When the work done by a peer organization cannot be discredited, the Level -3 organization will claim credit for as much of the work as possible. A Level -3 ignores its own software development processes in favor of developing positive publicity for itself that focuses on creating a nice red skin over an apple that may be rotten to the core.”


Please read the whole article to get the full brunt of this Air Force captain’s sarcasm.


"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." - Mark Twain


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