Here's an old Tips and Tricks article that explains the options in ARTask 


How User Tool Shortcuts Work
Shortcuts are used in the Remedy User tool to provide a user with easy 
access to a certain form or entry. Shortcuts can be stored on the file 
system or sent as a link in the email so the recipient of the email can 
easily access the specific form and entry without having to search for it. 
For the shortcuts to work on your target machine, you must install the 
Remedy User tool. When the Remedy User tool is installed, it registers an 
application called artask.exe, which will read an .artask file and 
interpret what is in it. Shortcut files are nothing but simple text files 
with an .artask extension. 

Users can create shortcuts in two ways: (1) automatically (2) manually. To 
create shortcuts automatically, a user goes into the Remedy User tool and 
selects “Create Shortcut” from the right-click menu or “Send to Mail 
Recipient/Desktop” from either the File menu or the right-click menu. To 
create shortcuts manually, a user would author the artask files long-hand. 

This article will focus on the second option: creating a shortcut 
manually. It will describe the inner details of an .artask shortcut file 
and explore how to create a shortcut from scratch by hand. 

Basic structure of a shortcut file
To learn how to create artask files manually, we need to start by looking 
at the individual elements that make up a shortcut file. An artask file is 
composed of a simple set of name/value pairs called tags. The following 
example shows a shortcut with name elements but with the value for each 
element left blank for now: 

Label = 
Name = 
Type = 
Server = 
Join = 
Ticket = 
QBE Data = 
Search String= 

The Type tag determines whether the Search String and QBE Data tags are 
used or not. 

The tag Name, as it says, holds the name of the object. The Type tag 
specifies the type of the named object. It is an integer value tag. 

The following are the possible values for the Type tag. 

NEW = 0 
QUERY = 1 
GUIDE = 3 

The Label tag specifies the display name or alias name of the object. 

The Join tag specifies whether the form is a Join form or a Regular form. 
It is a boolean value represented as an integer. “0” means it is not a 
join form, and “1” means it is a join form. 

The Server tag specifies the server on which the named object resides. 

The Ticket tag specifies a specific entry ID on the form. The Ticket tag 
could also specify a composite entry id if it’s a join form. For example, 
a join form Ticket tag value will look something like this: 

Ticket = SW00208434|000000000189348 

The Search String and QBE Data tags are valid for the query value of the 
Type tag. Both of these tags are string tags. The Search String tag holds 
the qualification string that we construct using the Advanced Search Bar. 
For example: 

Search String = 'Currency Code' = "USD" 

The QBE Data tag holds the field name and its value from the QBE search. 
QBE Data format is the format we use for QBE inside of macro files. The 
non-printable characters used as separators are defined by the escape 
character '\01'. Then there would be field value pairs with the field id 
on the left-hand side and the value on the right-hand side between the 
separators. For example: 

QBE Data = 8=Demo 300363400=Yes 1705000=50 

The Name, Type and Server tags are the most important tags in a shortcut 
file. Without any of these—or without a valid value for any of these tags—
the shortcut file becomes invalid. 

The following are some example shortcut files.

Shortcut for opening a form in NEW mode
Label = AR System Currency Codes 
Name = AR System Currency Codes 
Type = 0 
Server = CORE 
Join = 0 

Shortcut for opening a form in QUERY mode 
Label = AR System Currency Codes 
Name = AR System Currency Codes 
Type = 1 
Server = CORE 
Join = 0 
QBE Data = 
Search String = 'Currency Code' = "USD" 

Shortcut for opening an application 
Label = AR System Sample Application 
Name = Sample 
Type = 2 
Server = CORE 
Join = 0 

Shortcut for opening a guide 
Label = ARReport-BuildFieldList 
Name = ARReport-BuildFieldList 
Type = 3 
Server = CORE 
Join = 0 

Shortcut for opening an entry point 
Label = Add new city 
Name = Sample:Cities 
Type = 10 
Server = CORE 
Join = 0 

Shortcut for opening a join form entry 
Name = AR System Currency Localized Labels 
Type = 0 
Server = CORE 
Join = 1 
Ticket = 000000000000082|000000000000001 

Using shortcuts provides a handy way to easily access the forms or 
searches that you use most frequently. Shortcuts also provide a convenient 
way to share search results or to help people find particular AR System 
forms or applications. Using the above guidelines, you can create your own 
shortcuts or edit existing saved shortcuts to better suit your needs.
~ Suresh
Staff Developer, Remedy Product Development
Joined Remedy in 1997

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