I am trying to run the arlogtmr utility on a SQL Logfile.

I'm running:
arlogtmr.exe -i h:\ars\loggar\sql.log -d 5

The result I'm getting for each row is:

****** Corruptted line in log file ******
<SQL > <TID: 0000001008> <RPC ID: 0000375667> <Queue: Fast      >
<Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: sda1                          > /* mσ dec 11
2006 10:27:19.2550 */SELECT T506.C1,T506.C1 FROM T506 WHERE
('AG005056001A1AhDiIQgN_6LEwJQEA' = T506.C179) ORDER BY 1 ASC

I'm running arlogtmr v5.1 against a logfile generated on a 6.3 ARserver.

I know I've seen others with the same problem, but haven't seen any solution
to it.

Does anyone have a small SQL logfile that actually works with arlogtmr so I
can compare a "Non corrupted" line with mine, so I can find the problem??

Or does anyone else have a free utility that finds long execution times??

Thanks for your help!!

// Niklas Asplund
Siemens Business Services Sweden

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