I was hoping someone would have an example of a direct URL to open a form (I
am trying to open Survey once it all works) where the login is part of the
URL, so you don't have to manually log in.


As a starting point I used what was supposed to be one that works opening
Incident in Search mode, with parameters for the search. The only examples I
have seen do http:// and of course I am doing https://


I was able to get it to open Incident, after manually logging in, but it
ignored the parameters to search a specific Incident ID


I was also able to get it to log in with the direct URL, and open the
Landing Page, and show that it was in Incident, but did not show the
Incident form on the screen (so obviously also did not show me the incident
I was looking for)


The latter, getting it to log me in via the direct URL, got that far when I
put those parameters at the end of everything.


Does anyone have a working example of this that I can take a look at or can
you fix what I have below?


It seems close enough I must have missed something simple.


Also, if someone could explain why it all seems designed to require the
Landing Console?

When I go to communities and start searching I start with current
information and it quickly refers me to other articles until I am looking at
some  unknown version of Remedy that worked differently. Wouldn't it be nice
if we ask for V 8.X it only showed things that are valid in 8.X?



Thanks Dan

p.s. here is what  I tried, the mid-tier server could be going through a
load balancer of course , the version that does the login and goes pear
shaped after..

 <https://%3cmid-tier> https://<mid-tier
arserver>/&username=<a correct userid>&pwd=<a correct password>


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