BMC has asked for me to post this, and in my view this survey seems simpler
than trying to log in communities to vote things up, also a recognition that
many of the  developer\technical folks in are here (my interpretation, not
theirs) .. I just went through the list of topics in the survey and there
were many different types of presentations, and some that appeared to be the
kind of technical session for developers that I was hoping would be there (I
said I was interested lol) ... with no further ado, here is the post ..

Rate sessions you would like to see at Engage 2016! 

Your voice matters!

We've provided four broad product category buckets that contain many

Rate the abstracts on a simple 5 point scale.  Go to the product category
that you want to influence.

Please provide your feedback by Thursday, March 10.  

We're looking forward to hearing from you!


*Don't panic if you submitted your abstract and do not see it in the survey.
It does not mean that it isn't selected. With the extended deadline, not all
abstracts were submitted before the survey was created.

Link of announcement in BMC Communities:

Questions? Contact  Michelle Kerby or May Bakken


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