Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

On Thursday, September 15, 2016, Rabi Tripathi <> wrote:

> **
> Dan,
> Thanks for keeping this community and this platform going for this long.
> You had the vision, you have had the dedication,  you've also had the
> tenacity to keep this amazing thing going steady. And you've kept the
> discipline on the list.
> I've been here since 1997, but since 2011 I have been an occasional
> lurker. Like an addict sniffing alcohol. I am glad I came in today to check.
> I accidentally stumbled into Remedy after college in 1996 and was still a
> Remedy guy till 2010. Sometimes I wonder what my career and my life would
> have been if I had made a different choice.
> After college, I was about to take a Visual C++ developer job at a bank in
> New York City. Out of the blue a company called RISC Management called to
> say they would make me a Remedy consultant and pay for travel around the
> country. I was sold. I didn't care what else they said and what Remedy was.
> One week of training and I was off in Atlanta helping I think it was Bell
> South, all expenses paid. Being paid a handsome $40,000 per year. I didn't
> know but I had  just switched to a track named Remedy for 14 years.
> Ok, I just reread what I wrote below and I warn you it has no point.
> Thinking of Remedy, ARSList and ARSListers brought back a lot of deep
> emotions and memories, so my mind wandered around.
> I have seen ARS 2.1 and beyond. No applications in the early days, each
> implementation started with building the app on the ARS engine you bought.
> Point and click customization, Rapid Application Development, process
> before the apps were the Remedy mantras. From Unix, the platform ported to
> Windows. Manualls were always green on black.
> I had to learn enough of SQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and DB2 as
> sometimes there was no DBA. Went to Merril Lynch, JP Morgan, Motefiore
> Medical Center, Merial, Pitney Bowes, Uniliver, Down Jones, Gucci, Bureau
> of National Affairs, Celluar One, Heidrick and Struggles (Sears Tower),
> CIT, SIAC, Ameritech, Walgreens. Long ago, so I think statute of
> limitations on client disclosure has expired. I mostly did well on
> engagements, many solo, some in teams.
> Not always. I went to Compaq headquarters in Houston to port them from
> Unix to WinNT. I had trouble installing ARS. Pleas for help (text paging
> through a call, remember?) from my manager went unanswered (his dog ate his
> pager, literally, it turns out). I was sent back on the plane middle of the
> week, but I survived as I was very new (second or third gig). A client got
> upset for not knowing that macro files could be opened and customized.
> Mostly I wasn't this inept.
> ARS 3.x brought some apps. 4.x apps were more mature. I replaced a system
> in the literally deep, dark room under Wall street where a lot of circuits
> met (SIAC).
> I switched the company in 1.5 years, and started making $70,000. Got laid
> off in 10 months (red hot days of Remedy, but they didn't know how to get
> business), but quickly went back to work. The applications and the platform
> matured through the versions. ARWeb gave way to...forgot the name of the
> 1MB applet that had to be downloaded every time. Active Links became more
> active and Filters filtered more. Went to hospitals, banks, retailers
> (GUCCI, Walgreens),
> Escalations always confused people that if the Run If didn't match it did
> not fire Else code on each record, but fired it just once.
> Category/Type/Item were always problematic and everybody had an opinion. I
> had a gig just fixing the structure. I never understood why Remedy Notifier
> window was tiny and not resizable. Doug Mueller always said no when asked
> if he would consider an "undo" button in Remedy Admin.
> ARSList was always the best friend day and night. It multiplied your brain
> by a factor of 2000 or 3000. It was not only a tech forum, but a hangout.
> Reading the posts taught you 10 times what a training or one implementation
> would teach you.
> I never went to a RUG. Can't really explain why. No employer ever offered
> and I didn't try too hard. So I know the old timers mainly through their
> posts. Claire Sanford is a name I definitely remember. Dan's writings could
> be/are amusing, especially if he is writing about something he is not
> amused about.
> I became RAC certified. Wife was happy to use my mileage for free trips.
> Setup DSO in three continents. Did Unix scripting, C API programming, Perl
> scripting. In Detroit I worked a 24 hour day to troubleshoot an issue.
> Dark days of Peregrine took me to San Diego for Peregrine training. It was
> a waste, but wife got to come and we made it to Tiuana in Mexico.
> As Peregrine appeared to be going down, I bought $3000 worth of stock
> thinking I know the technology, it's good enough to make a come back. They
> went belly up and I got pennies back. This was a precursor to my sinking
> $3000 in Lehman Brothers, as it was tanking. (Don't follow the crowd,
> right?)
> In Edmonton, Canada, on not so fine December week, I got tired of the
> cold, so worked a 48 hour shift to I could fly back early in the week. Went
> out to eat, but yes no sleep, no shower. An add job coding PL/SQL against
> ARS's database, so I was mostly alone. I was a zombie through the flight
> through MN.
> I customized every module to death in 6.x. At a client near LA, I spent
> two years customizing. ITSM 7 radically changed the applications,
> exponentially raising the complexity, making log reading a nightmare. The
> paltform got a lot wider with more components, mostly from acquired
> companies/technologies.
> On 9/11 I had finished a 10 month Remedy upgrade gig (I think it was ITSM
> 5) at Ameritech in Detroit and I was sleeping late at home in New York City
> that Monday having nothing to do. Luckily I and my wife were safe. Traveled
> a week later for one last trip to Detroit, was seated just behind the
> cockpit, and they gave me plastic knife to eat but steel fork which I
> thought was stupid as the fork is a better weapon than a steel knife.
> Getting up to go to the bathroom was awkward, lest somebody jumps on me
> fearing a cockpit intrusion. I picked up a pack of cards at the airport
> with pictures of the twin towers and gave it around in Detroit as I said
> goodbye. People were still in shock, as far as Detroit.
> After the first kid, I switched to independent contracting job around New
> York City, so I could pick local gigs. I did fine, but I didn't like a
> single wall street bank I went to. I was a misfit, and after the 2008
> financial crisis, I promised I wasn't going to make a living enabling them
> to do the stuff they do that are illegal, should be illegal, or are
> immoral. Dumb if you live in New York I know, but I meant it. I ultimately
> moved to Washington DC.
> Worked virtually for six months from the other side of the earth, starting
> work after dinner, sometimes working with battery power for the DSL link,
> the VOIP box and the laptop. Dealing with ITSM 7, the buggy/unstable
> installation (or the code), on the phone with BMC's premier support, with
> sales reps listening, on emergency calls hours at a time. The three
> continent project was a disaster. I forewarned and got into trouble. Power
> struggle between the three continents (I mean the companies' Australian,
> Eurpoean and American entities, Aussies wanting to be the king renaming
> Remedy "Agility", and sending their own branded Remedy/ITSM installation
> package with their own version that barely worked. Weirdest thing I ever
> saw. ).
> Finally for some stability I came back to New York, joined the Ivy Laegue
> University as a full time employee. Ancient Remedy installation. I became a
> hero by deploying Mid-tier (what, you can do Remedy on the browser?). I
> struggled to get them to upgrade ARS/ITSM internally (no consultants). No
> outside labor, no extra maintenance cost didn't seal the deal with the IT
> bosses. Preached ITIL. Went all the way up to one level below CIO preaching
> a tool/process transformation. Gave up and quit. A month later, ServiceNow
> swooped in and they flipped. It's a good thing I never became a salesman.
> There ended my Remedy career, as I joined a big consulting firm and
> started ITSM process/strategy work. My current client site has Remedy, but
> I don't have the keys to the Remedy kingdom, so I am just a user.
> Anyway, if you are still reading, I admire your stamina. Be well folks. I
> will join the community even if I may not be visiting often. And a big
> thanks to all who helped me, laughed with me, and pulled their hair with me
> in ARSLIST over the years.
> I've not done a good job of meeting the listers in person, but if you will
> be visiting DC, I will have coffee or a beer with anybody, oldtimers or
> newcomers. r-a+b+i+n+t+A*T+g-m-a-i-l. Lose all the special characters.
> Regards.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: arslist <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>> Date: Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 11:06 AM
>> Subject: Re: Off Topic - Before the List is Gone! NOTE: Not Gone, MOVED
>> To:
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
>> **
>> NOTE: On Friday Sept. 30th the plug will literally be pulled on the
>> Servers this version of the list is running on. Please move over to the new
>> home in Communities by then.
>> The ARSlist didn’t even start on listserv, it was another messaging
>> software. I planned to make it a group on usenet, but the anarchist group
>> in charge spent 9 months talking about where it should be in the structure
>> (anyone familiar with Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the marketing
>> team arguing about what do people want from the wheel?)
>> For the past 14 years it has had a home in a machine room in downtown
>> Toronto, on Servers I purchased (both replaced once). Those servers from
>> 2009-2013 also helped us run the WWRUG events, so I could justify the
>> expense.
>> Volume on the ARSlist is a quarter of what it was two years ago because
>> the vast majority of posters are now on communities.
>> There is also now the new Developer’s site for the Innovation Suite,
>> We are all very busy, and there are too many places to go to find things.
>> Now communities will get you to the ARSlist too. I have been promised
>> non-censorship and non-interference.
>> So, same discussions, same people if we are all still interested,
>> different location.
>> Note: I am not disappearing either, and I hope none of you do!
>> The care and feeding of this community has been a highlight of the past
>> 23 years for me, and through it I have met, electronically and\or
>> physically a really great group of people most of whom I think of as
>> friends.
>> Times change, c’est la vie.
>> Now I just have to be a part of the Community, not build the platform the
>> community lives on.
>> Cheers Dan
>> p.s. and yes, I prefer this platform to jive and Communities, it just
>> isn’t the pragmatic one anymore, and I hope to influence the improvements
>> in Communities to meet our needs
>> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:
>> arslist@ARSLIST.ORG <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arslist@ARSLIST.ORG');>]
>> *On Behalf Of *Joe D'Souza
>> *Sent:* September 12, 2016 7:21 PM
>> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arslist@ARSLIST.ORG');>
>> *Subject:* Re: Off Topic - Before the List is Gone!
>> **
>> I totally reflect the sentiments of all of you. I heard of and started
>> using the list a little after about a year or 2 after it was started and
>> since then has been the best resource and online community I had the
>> privilege of being a part of.. Thank you all and hopefully the BMC
>> Communities will be a similar experience once I resume using it..
>> Joe
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [
>> mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arslist@ARSLIST.ORG');>] *On Behalf Of *Kelly
>> Deaver
>> *Sent:* Thursday, July 28, 2016 12:33 PM
>> *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arslist@ARSLIST.ORG');>
>> *Subject:* Re: Off Topic - Before the List is Gone!
>> Thanks Claire.. 2AM.. I think that was me! You knew I would be flying
>> back from my assignment in California and would check mail when I got home.
>> Thank God, I new the answer!
>> The community of ITSM professionals is only about 2 degrees of separation
>> for anyone. I'm sure we will see you around.
>> Times really are changing! First ARSlist moving and now I won't be able
>> to make Engage this year. It will be the first Remedy included conference I
>> have missed in 21 years!
>> We* must* all stay in touch. I have spoken LOL
>> Kelly Deaver
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> (Business
>> mail)
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> (arslist mail)
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Off Topic - Before the List is Gone!
>> From: "Sanford, Claire" <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>> Date: Mon, July 25, 2016 10:52 am
>> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','arslist@ARSLIST.ORG');>
>> **
>> This list has been one of the most valuable tools during my entire Remedy
>> career. We have seen so many ups and downs in  that time period!  Personal
>> and professional!  I know there are times I would not have been able to
>> solve a problem quickly and accurately without it!
>> 1am?  5am?  2pm?  No problem.  The list and the amazing people that
>> populated it were always there for me! Thank you! I will miss the list as
>> much as I will miss Remedy.  There are so many people, I’m not going
>> to/can’t list them all…
>> Phil, Dan, Pat, Rick, Michelle, Warren, Teresa, Misi, Doug M, Jarl, Gid,
>> Joe, Jason, Doug B., Tauf, Kelly D, Roger, Herb, Roger, LJ, David and on
>> and on and on!
>> On August 29th (that is the planned date) we cut over to SNOW.
>> I won’t be gone yet.  Remedy will still be around for at least a year.
>> Nothing new will be happening.  Just maintenance and archive mode!
>> Thank you all for being so fantastic!
>> Claire Sanford
>> Remedy Admin/Dev 12/1/1998 to sometime in 2016.
>> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
>> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_ _ARSlist:
>> "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
>> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_
> _ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" and have been for 20 years_

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