Great suggestion, thank you. That revealed the misbehaving mid-tier.

Unfortunately I don't have access to the machine and my colleague, who set
it up (as a test bed for something) is out of town, but I'm going to have
him shut it down to resolve this issue.

Thanks again!

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 8:51 AM, LJ LongWing <> wrote:

> It MIGHT be useful if we also had API logging....API logging would tell us
> definitively if it was Mid-Tier doing the call (which is what it looks
> like)...but it would also tell you the source IP of the machine making the
> call....I have never seen this behavior before but I suspect it might be
> related to caching somehow....once you know which of your mid-tier servers
> is causing it you can shut it down to verify that it stops when it's not
> running, and maybe do a hard cache flush to try and clean up whatever might
> be wonky.
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 8:47 AM Charlie Lotridge <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not exactly sure when this started, but within the past few weeks my
>> production ARS has started repeatedly issuing the following three SQL
>> statements:
>> *SELECT  TOP 2  T127.C1,C124 FROM T127 WHERE (T127.C101 = N'MidTier
>> Service') ORDER BY 1 ASC*
>> *SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM user_cache*
>> *SELECT MAX(timestamp) FROM group_cache*
>> T127 is the User form.
>> It's doing this about 10 times per second.
>> Can anyone shed any light on what it's doing and how I can stop it? Any
>> help would be appreciated.
>> Here is the raw SQL logging should the additional detail be useful:
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000007056> <RPC ID: 0003449550> <Queue: List      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service-- Impersonated by MidTier
>> Service --> <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8220
>> */SELECT  TOP 2  T127.C1,C124 FROM T127 WHERE (T127.C101 = N'MidTier
>> Service') ORDER BY 1 ASC
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000007056> <RPC ID: 0003449550> <Queue: List      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service-- Impersonated by MidTier
>> Service --> <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8230
>> */OK
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000006596> <RPC ID: 0003449552> <Queue: Fast      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service
>> > <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8570 */SELECT
>> MAX(timestamp) FROM user_cache
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000006596> <RPC ID: 0003449552> <Queue: Fast      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service
>> > <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8580 */OK
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000006596> <RPC ID: 0003449552> <Queue: Fast      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service
>> > <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8580 */SELECT
>> MAX(timestamp) FROM group_cache
>> <SQL > <TID: 0000006596> <RPC ID: 0003449552> <Queue: Fast      >
>> <Client-RPC: 390620   > <USER: MidTier Service
>> > <Overlay-Group: 1         > /* Mon Jun 18 2018 07:34:34.8580 */OK
>> Thanks,
>> Charlie
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