
No, that is not what is needed. There are a lot of different permissions on the 
file system level, and we can not have the AR server access the file servers.

I just want to have an easy way to pick a file/path (or copy/paste it) into a 
Remedy form, and then be able to display this as a clickable link (or have a 
button to open it).

It would also be nice if the file could be loaded for preview in a View Field 
on request...

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (http://www.rrr.se) (ARSList MVP 

Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13)
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se 
January 15, 2019 1:52 PM, "LJ LongWing"  wrote:
 I have a file system ardbc plugin I've been working on that would work well to 
enable that activity.  
        On January 15, 2019 5:37:54 AM "Misi Mladoniczky"  wrote:  Hi,

What would be good ways to allow users to enter a link to an external file or 
directory in the file system, and then allow other users follow these links to 
open the files/directories?

The interface would be Mid-Tier.

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se (http://www.rrr.se) (ARSList MVP 

Ask the Remedy Licensing Experts (Best R.O.I. Award at WWRUG10/11/12/13)
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se 
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