Thats more or less exactly what I had done... The qualification constructed was 
built in a field, that was used using EXTERNAL() in a filter that was part of 
the filter guide...

Thanks Matt...

----- Original Message ----
From: Carey Matthew Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 12:51:29 AM
Subject: Re: Passing field ID from a table field as a parameter into RunIf 


What I think Joe is trying to say is...

You want to use the EXTERNAL() operator in that Run if. However you need to 
first set a Character field with a value of the full qualification you want to 

So add a display only (z-Temp) field that you set with the string:

"NOT ("+$col_SFGCHGLOEFieldID$+")    LIKE ""0"" OR 
"""+$col_SFGCHGLOEFieldID$+""" != $\NULL$"

Then have the Run If set like...

EXTERNAL($z-Temp$) AND $z-Temp$ != $NULL$

And that should get the job done.

Just keep in mind the following:
(Which you can find in the Admin tool Help menu.Search the INDEX for
"EXTERNAL" or Operators

EXTERNAL() evaluates to True when:
   The field specified contains an expression that evaluates to True.
   The field is empty.
   The field does not exist or is not a character field.

If you use keywords as part of a qualification in a field called by
EXTERNAL(), you must add an escape character (\) to the keywords. This
prevents the keywords from expanding prior to being used in the
For example, if you have a table field with a qualification of
EXTERNAL($Qualify Field$)
and Qualify Field is a character field with a value of
('Create Date' < $TIMESTAMP$) AND ('Login Name' = $USER$)
the table field will not produce expected results when refreshed. The
keywords will expand, producing a qualification such as
('Create Date' < 05/22/02 11:00:34 AM) AND ('Login Name' = Demo)
This is not a valid query, since the date/time and character values
are not enclosed in quotation marks. To prevent the keywords from
expanding, write the qualification like this:
('Create Date' < $\TIMESTAMP$) AND ('Login Name' = $\USER$)
In forms viewed on the Web, if EXTERNAL() references a field that
contains a qualification such as $Date 1$ <= 'Date 2', you must add
double quotation marks around $Date 1$, like this:
"$Date 1$" <= 'Date 2'.

Based on what you guess is that this is what is happening
for your existing workflow: (If the admin tool will even let you save
the Run If value at all.)

the value of:


would be a litteral value of "$$col_SFGCHGLOEFieldID$$" (no "eval"
would be done on the string, and the value in the column would not be


Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On 1/8/07, Joe DeSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **
> I have used dynamic column ID's in a workflow where I have created a
> configurable audit functionality on fields that could be picked at a
> configuration table, and stored there.. So when a filter guide runs, it
> dynamically creates a Run If qualification for a filter that is used in a
> Filter Guide to compare the DB and TR value of those fields that are
> selected on the field audit configuration table...
> So instead of a table loop I use a Filter guide that loops using the Entry
> ID of that configuration table by starting with the lowest ID and looking
> for the next ID that is greater than the current one on the next run of that
> guide in the loop..
> Works pretty good...
> Joe D'Souza
> Remedy Developer / Consultant,
> BearingPoint,
> Virginia.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Dunstan Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Sent: Monday, January 8, 2007 5:42:55 PM
> Subject: Passing field ID from a table field as a parameter into RunIf
> qualification
> **
> Has anybody used column that contains fieldIDs of certain fields in a table
> as a parameter into a run if qualification that qualify for the data value
> of that field i.e $fieldID$ in an RUNIF qualification for a table loop.
> ie.
>  NOT "$$col_SFGCHGLOEFieldID$$"    LIKE "0" OR
> "$$col_SFGCHGLOEFieldID$$" != $NULL$
> what I am trying to resolve this to $800000159$ LIKE "0" OR $800000160$ !=
> $NULL$.
> I think this will help create code in dynamic way.
> Dunstan Christopher

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