I am having similar issues as we speak. Using IE 6.0.29 I can log in, click
on "Knowledge Base" on the Support Overview page and then up pops the
following in a little window:

|Caught exception undefined: undefined - TypeError:     |
|Object doesn't support this property or method... AT:  |
|Undefined                                              |

When I click on OK, I get a big blank middle of the screen with the menu bar
down the side. And 

Now over on Firefox, I get a nice big box on the Knowledge Base page
asking me to "Search Knowledge Base". But when I put something in the
Keyword(s) field and click on Search, I get a "performing search" page and
then a giant "Caught exception" error box that kills the whole deal.

I sometimes wish I could search on the knowledge base. It is like looking in
the window at the candy store and watching all the other lucky kids getting
their sweets while I stand outside without any money.


On Fri, 9 Feb 2007 14:45:15 -0500, Ray T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>One more thing. Just to make sure anybody reading this thread in future is
>not confused, my issue was NOT being able to get to the KB search window or
>after getting there, NOT being able to even begin a search.
>This issue is different from what Susan and Michelle reported, which
>is..being able to do the search, but not getting expected results. That's an
>issue for another day for me.

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