Just had this forwarded on to me.  Hopefully it has no effects on the AR System.

DST Sun Alert attached 

It's important to note that this problem comes into play only if BOTH of the 
following conditions are met: 

1) The JRE is using the one of the following 3 letter time zone designations:  
EST, MST or HST.   Note that these have been deprecated. The 
preferred/recommended  time zone designation is the long format: "US/Eastern" 
or "America/New_York."  

2) The system is using JRE version 1.4.2_12 or later, or any JRE version 
1.4.x/1.5.x that has had the tzupdater tool run against it. 

The effect of encountering the issue is that times would be one hour off, 
showing as 11 pm EDT when it's really 10 pm EDT, for example.

If you have at-risk systems, there are two simple fixes: 

1) Remove the three files <jrehome>/jre/lib/zi/{EST,MST,HST} 
So if your jrehome is /usr/java, then 
# rm /usr/java/jre/lib/zi/EST 
will fix the problem for EST, repeat above command for MST and HST. 
and, for a complete 2005 DST fix 
2) run The Sun Java SE TZupdater tool with -f -bc as follows: 
# <jrehome>/jre/java -jar /tmp/<tzupdater dir>/tzupdater.jar -f -bc 
assuming that the tzupdater package was downloaded and unzipped in /tmp amd 
jrehome is where the JRE is installed. 


Document Audience:       PUBLIC 
Document ID:     102836 
Title:   Olson TZ Data (tzdata2005r or greater) Incompatibility Issues  
Copyright Notice:        Copyright © 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights 
Update Date:     Thu Mar 08 00:00:00 MST 2007   

Status   Issued 
Description      Top <imap://[EMAIL 
Sun(sm) Alert Notification 

*       Sun Alert ID: 102836 
*       Synopsis: Olson TZ Data (tzdata2005r or greater) Incompatibility Issues 
*       Category: Availability 
*               Product: Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
*       BugIDs: 6466476, 6530336 
*       Avoidance: Upgrade 
*       State: Resolved 
*       Date Released: 08-Mar-2007 
*       Date Closed: 08-Mar-2007 
*       Date Modified: 

1. Impact

The introduction of Olson Timezone (TZ) data, version 2005r or greater, may 
break backward compatibility for the Eastern, Hawaiian, and Mountain time 
zones, under certain circumstances.

This issue is also outlined in Sun BugIDs 6466476 and 6530336, listed at:



Note: The Hawaiian TZ is only affected for historical data. Other American TZs 
such as PST and CST are not affected.

2. Contributing Factors

This issue can occur in the following releases for all platforms:

*       JDK and JRE v1.4.2_12 and above 
*       JDK and JRE 5.0u8 and above 
*       JDK and JRE 6 and above 


1.      Releases below Java SE v1.4.x are not affected by this issue. 
2.      The condition will also exist if you have run the "Time Zone Updater 
Tool" for v1.4.x+, but without the -bc flag. 

This condition will be apparent under one of the following two circumstances:

A) The use of old 3-letter TZ IDs, limited to: "EST", "HST", "MST".


B) The parsing of date strings containing one of the following three TZ 
strings: "EDT", "HDT", or "MDT".

3. Symptoms

The symptoms/result of this condition will be that Daylight


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