Hi Listers,
We have a home grown application with few integrations with external
interfaces. Since last few weeks the application performance has
depleted by 60%. Earlier it was 20% CPU utilization and now the remedy
application takes 70-75% at any given time. The data would not be more
than 700,000. Some times the external integrations would fail, restart
of AR Server sometimes do help, but
again in 1 or 2 days it starts to suck all the system resources and
takes 70% utilization.

The system takes more than 4 mins to save a record and some times it
takes lil more than that too, same is the case with the searches too.
SQL and API Log shows lot of delay. mainly APIs are having delay but I
don't have much knowledge to interpret API log. I don't understand what
has affected the application suddenly. As far as hardware goes...I don't
know the exact specs but I am sure tht it is under utilized.

the System is ARS 6.0.1 on Solaris 9, database :Oracle 9i

we also noticed lot of inactive remedy sessions in the oracle. Any idea
what are they? Can they affect the performance. There aren't many
indexes but still the system was running fine till few weeks back.
I need help as from where should I start  looking at the probable
performance issues and what all things I can tweak to improve it.

Incase you need more details, please do let me know.


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