
It is really simple. In the set field action you set the value to be.
$Field$+" OR '1'="""+$column_Value$+""""

Note: I doubled the double quotes that I want as literal values inside
the double quotes.... Like...
"this is a string with a double quote  "" in the middle of the string"

And I did that after the = and again after the column_Value to finish
the qualification.

So before you call the guide. Clear the value of the EXTERNAL_field value.
In the guide...
 if the EXTERNAL_field  = NULL... then
   EXTERNAL_field = "'1'="""+$column_Value$+""""
   EXTERNAL_field = $EXTERNAL_field$+" OR '1'="""+$column_Value$+""""

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On 3/29/07, Kyle Whitley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for all the suggestions.  How do you concatenate values in a set
fields active link.  How do I get it to do the '1'="000000000000001" OR
'1'="000000000000002" OR '1'="000000000000006" . It seems that when my
Guide runs, it is just replacing the previous value, not adding to the
value existing in the field.



Carey Matthew Black wrote:
> Kyle,
> Well...
> BasicGuide-630.pdf Page: 539 and 540 covers the 'Entry IDs' value for
> a Open Window action.
> It might only work on the web. (The doc say that, however that would
> be most disappointing to find to be true.) It can be a comma separated
> list of values.
> On the other hand...
> You could stack up a string in a char field that is used as part of an
> EXTERNAL() operator as part of the Open Window qualification too. So
> your Guide would build a string like:
> '1'="000000000000001" OR '1'="000000000000002" OR
> '1'="000000000000006" .. (etc)
> Then the Open window would reference the field that you stacked that
> string into.
> I think that should work reasonably well. However I do know that the
> EXTERNAL() operator does have a limit of 2 or 4k characters. ( I think
> it was 2k. ) So if your users pick that many 15 digit Request ID
> values then you might need to switch to the "join" idea to overcome
> that limit.
> What I mean by the "Join idea" is to create a GUID for this "report
> run". Loop over the table field and PUSH each Request ID to a new
> record with that GUID as a flag for the report to use. Then build a
> join between the new record and the source form for the table field
> and do the report against the join where the selection condition is
> based on the single GUID value. Sure it is a long way around the barn,
> but it would scale farther than the 2k (or 4k) character limit in the
> EXTERNAL() operator. (and you would likely need/want something to
> delete those GUID flagged records at some point too.)
> HTH.

Kyle Whitley
IT System Support Professional
Office of Information and Instructional Technology (OIIT)
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

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