About 3 years ago I was working on a remedy project where we tried to use the built in remedy integration with VSS. It was way too buggy. Files got locked, the VSS database got corrupted etc. We ended up checking def files in and out of VSS outside of remedy. There was an understanding amoung developers that code could not be changed unless it was checked out of VSS. Believe or not this worked.

Now I'm being asked to implement a SC system for a new project that uses remedy 6.x

1: Have the bugs been ironed out wrt remedy / vss integration in 6.x so that its viable to use?
2: Are there serious performance issues to worry about?
3: Is there a lot of administrative overhead when compared with using VSS without integration (creating def files with remedy and checking in and out of vss outside of remedy)
4: Does anybody use a SC system for remedy code that is not VSS ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Stephen Willis

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