Swedish and Spanish. Earlier the dev OS did not have these language
packs, after installing them and matching the .profile and ar.conf
settings they are not showing up.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Magnussen
Sent: 06 August 2007 04:44 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: European character set issue

What do you mean by "European character set" ? A lot of European
countries have variations, for example French, German and Spanish all
have some (different) characters. Even countries that are close to each
other, like for example Denmark and Sweden, have slightly different
character sets. 
John Magnussen 
London, England

On 8/6/07, Ankur Gulati (GG/EIL) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

        Hi Liters, 
        anything on this....?


        From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG ] On Behalf Of Ankur Gulati (GG/EIL)
        Sent: 31 July 2007 06:59 PM
        To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
        Subject: European character set issue
        Hi All,
        I have a query related to European character set support. I have
checked the archives but it all got very confusing so I am asking it
once again.
        The production environment supports European character set. I
ran this query SELECT value$ FROM sys.props$ WHERE name =
'NLS_CHARACTERSET' in the production and got the result as 
        WE8ISO8859P1. When I ran the same query in the dev environment I
got the same result but dev environment changes all the European
characters to "?". 

        There is no DB charset entry in ar.conf file.

        AR Server : 7.0.1


        What am I missing?




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