Although only one of these nominees will actually receive the MVP Award,

(unless there is a tie), they are all valued members of the Remedy Community

and deserve a round of applause...



Rick Cook


Joe D'Souza


Frederick W. Grooms


Christopher Strauss




Voting begins today.


send votes to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


There must be at least 150 votes cast in total for the Award to be given

however, with around 3500 individual subscriptions after adjusting for

this doesn't sound difficult and a bit sad really. 350 should be the line.


Voting closes in 2 weeks, at 8 pm EST on Monday October 1st., no extensions

Only those that were subscribed to the list before September 1st7  2007 can




send votes to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


(the votes are all saved and available if required for 5 years)




UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

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