I apologize if you've already read this in another thread.  I put this
in a response to the ongoing IBM MRO thread but then realized that it's
a bit off that subject and I was hoping others would pass their thoughts
on the topic.  I figured a lot of listers wouldn't see my response since
it was in the IBM MRO thread, so I'm starting this new one.  Sorry for


Anyway, here's the idea: I would like to see Remedy lower the price on
the AR System and the ARS user licenses.  They could do a full push of
ARS as a "Lego" development system--we give you the blocks, you put them
together.  By lowering the price of the ARS, the ARS platform would be
more viable as a solution for the types of tracking apps Bing is
referring to.


The ARS is just too expensive for many companies...especially when there
are other development tools available for a much, much lower price--with
the Visual Studio on top of the pack.


BMC could still charge whatever it wants for the ITSM suite and


ARS would then be viable in all sorts of settings and us "ground up"
developers would not necessarily be in direct competition with BMC.


BMC then could make up the difference in volume and sell tech support
packages separately.


Could you imagine an ARS priced comparably to Visual Studio?! ARS would
become a major development platform.  Everyone would benefit.  BMC would
increase sales, companies would get a true rapid app development system,
and us "old timer" developers would be in big demand as DEVELOPERS and




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