
These ideas are totally untested...

Try these ideas...

In the Admin tool....
  open the form
  Display the correct view
  Go to the menu item Form-->Current View-->Properties
  On the Appearance tab set 'Results Banner', and 'Web Toolbar' to "Hidden"

If that does not work... then I would add a 'Results list' field
(table) to the view and make it hidden and smaller than the size of
the view you want it to be.

If that does not work... then I would try to add some stuff into the
"Web Header Content" (or Footer ) and see if we can override the CSS
for that form. Something like this might work..


Hope that helps.

Carey Matthew Black
Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)

Love, then teach
Solution = People + Process + Tools
Fast, Accurate, Cheap.... Pick two.

On 10/9/07, Christian Janovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> **
> Hi Listers,
> I have installed MidTier 7.1 and while it seems much more performant and
> also more robust I have an annoying issue.
> When I open a (small) Dialog-Window in the browser (both Firefox and IE) via
> MidTier the scroll bars are ALWAYS visible – even though I have adjusted the
> size of all dialogs and removed any (hidden) fields in the form parts I
> don't want to be displayed. In the html source code there is a hidden field
> (the CustomResultsList, ID= 1020) with a width of 640 that seems to cause
> this effect. I have not included this field, it seems to come by default.
> The code reads:
> <div id="ResultsList">
> <div arid=1020 artype="Table" ardbn="CustomResultsList" class="arfid1020
> ardbnCustomResultsList" style="top:0&#59; left:0&#59; width:640&#59;
> height:64&#59;visibility:hidden&#59;z-index:0&#59;"
> arcols="" arcolws="" arcoldlen="" ardrill=1 arserver="@" arschema="@"
> armaxrows=0 ardtype=1 arcsize=0 arfixhdr=1 arselrows=0 arselinit=0
> arselrefresh=0 arautofit=0 arsort="" arqual="{qual:&quot;&quot;,
> ids:[],extids:[]}"><img
> src="../../../../resources/images/menu_down.gif" alt=""
> class="TableSortImgUp" arindom=1 /><img
> src="../../../../resources/images/menu_up.gif" alt=""
> class="TableSortImgDown" arindom=1 /><div class='TableHdr'><table
> class='TableHdr' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tbody><tr><td nowrap
> valign=middle class='TableHdrL'></td><td nowrap valign=middle
> class='TableHdrR'></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div
> class='TableInner'></div><div class='TableFtr'><table class='TableFtr'
> cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tbody><tr><td nowrap valign=middle
> class='TableFtrL'></td><td nowrap valign=middle
> class='TableFtrR'></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>
> </div>
> Of course this field is unnecessary in a dialog. But even in a regular form
> a fix and unchangeable hidden field is not very nice for the administrator.
> Does anybody know how to avoid this effect. Is there perhaps any means to
> change the default width of those omnipresent and hidden ar system fields.
> It's not necessary to say that it can be quite a bit of work to adjust all
> forms so that they are displayed without scroll bars in the browser.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Christian Janovic
> ApproLogic GmbH
> Waldstraße 92
> 63128 Dietzenbach
> Tel: 06074 - 4811814
> Mob: 0177-4932072
> Fax: 06074 - 4811816

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