Still at war with IM 7 and this is the most recent battle report--

Following IM functional roles are defined in the "configure" doc:

Support Group Admin
Support Group Lead
Support Group Manager

But, only following 2 are available, when you go to CTM:People->->"Support 
Groups" tab->"Update Support Groups and Roles" button->"Functional Role Update" 
tab->Functional Role:

Incident Manager
Support Group Lead

I'm guessing:
When they say "Support Group Manager" in docs, they really mean "Incident 
Manager". "Support Group Admin" is pure fiction, just to make it interesting, 
irrespective of the fact that this role has defined privileges as per the 
document. Agree?

Related question...when making somebody a member of a support group, the 
"member" and "associate member" choices are indistinct as far as the code 
behavior is concerned. Right? It says the distinction is "informational" only. 
I think I know the answer, but I still ask this question, because I can't 
believe the designer didn't think of having the code make some distinction such 
as not notifying associate members when a group notification for, say, 
assignment, is sent. 

Ok, just found out that code will allow members or associate members of a group 
to submit/modify incidents in which the group is owner or assigned group.
See Filter HPD:INC:ChkModifyPermission_017.

However, code will allow members, but NOT "associate members" of a group to 
modify Owner Group of any incident in which the group is the owner. See filter 
HPD:INC:ChkModifyOwnership_021. I don't know why/how in this instance, this 
distinction makes sense. At any rate, the doc is wrong (pg 55 of config guide).

Lastly, and this is the question I have to get answer to for which I am beating 
around the bush can I have somebody "responsible" for a list of 
support groups (they would review these group's tickets on Management console), 
without having them receive all sorts of notifications that would go to group 
members if I made him a member of that group?

I like the more granular and closer-to-worldly-common-sense way roles and 
permissions have been defined in ITSM 7, but the scheme appears immature,  
incomplete, inconsistent and above all, not fully articulated anywhere. I 
wonder how many inside BMC can explain to anybody in full detail, the way 
permissions/roles work in ITSM 7.

I remember doing Tivoli training long time ago in which understanding 
permissions/roles used by the suite's different modules came closer to being a 
specialization in itself. With ITSM 7, it's not as complex, but it's certainly 
confusing. Is there no clear explanation, precisely because it's so 

Back to the war on error. 
Yeah, no T. I don't think BMC meant to terrify me, but it surely has me pulling 
my hair figuring out if my understanding is in error, or they have made errors 
in judgment, design, execution, documentation....

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