I don't know if you guys have heard this one, but it's one of my
A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Hey barkeep, got any
The barkeep, without looking up, answers, "No, no lemons."  The duck
leaves the bar.
The duck walks back in a few minutes later and asks the bartender, "Hey
barkeep - got any lemons?"
The barkeep, a little frustrated, tells the duck, "No duck, we have no
lemons."  The duck leaves the bar.
Moments later, the duck returns.  "Yo barkeep, got any lemons?"
Tired of this ruse, the bartender replies, "Listen here duck, I ain't
got no lemons.  If you ask me again, I'm going to nail your little
webbed feet to my shiny bar.  Capiche?"
As the duck heads out the door of the bar, he turns to the bartender and
asks, "Hey barkeep, got any nails?"
Surprised by this change of events, the bar tender says, "No duck, I
have no nails."
"Well then," the duck said.  "Got any lemons?"

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