Hi All,


1. Email for a change request approval is sent via smtp with embedded elements 
from a filter.
2. The email gets to the approver correctly.
3. The approver selects the email and is going to reply to the approval request.
4. The reply email has all the correct elements embedded from the original 
email/filter and just needs to have a radio button selected that is approve or 
5. To keep the look clean this email is done in html and does look and work 
6. The approver has to click on the approve radio button 3 times in order to 
complete the selection.
7. The approver selects the send button and the email is sent to the return 
email account in remedy.
8. The email is parsed and the associated workflow fires and everything 
proceeds smoothly.

The part I want to make work better is the 3 clicks on the radio button. The 
email opens in edit mode and this is what forces the 3 clicks.

Has anybody figured out a way around this?

Thank You,

Chris Doble
Mobile: 949-533-5346

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