I am Duh.... Thanks Thomas...the records went in neat. I was trying to
import ARS 6.0.3 group entries. In 6.0.3 these records are regular
groups unlike Dynamic in 7.0.1
Thanks again.


        From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas Bean
        Sent: 10 April 2008 04:46 AM
        To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
        Subject: Re: Need to restore Assignee and Submitter group
        Make sure the group category is set to "Dynamic" for these
groups.  Also, the 'Submitter' group should be Group ID = 3, and the
'Assignee' group should be Group ID = 4.
        If the manual creation still doesn't work, you might try
exporting the groups from another AR Server and importing them using the
Import tool.  I have attached an export of these two group records from
my AR Server, which is also version 7.0.1.
        Hope this helps,

                ----- Original Message ----- 
                From: Ankur Gulati <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
                Newsgroups: gmane.comp.crm.arsystem.general
                To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG 
                Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 5:54 PM
                Subject: Need to restore Assignee and Submitter group

                Hi All,
                I have landed in a soup. Is there a way to recreate the
Assignee and Submitter group entries in the group form. I accidently
deleted them and now. These groups are System created and when I
manually try to create them, I am getting an error "ARERR [616] Group
category is unrecognized or isn't appropriate"
                ARS 7.01 patch 4
                Database: oracle 9i
                Do I have to reinstall remedy from scratch? 
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