Good Day, Friends:

Has anyone else experienced  the flakiness of the ARS 7.1.00 Patch 001 
(server) Audit form functionality?  Oh ma gah, this is far worse than the 
Archive form flakiness of the earlier patches of ARS 6.3.

The Flaky List:
1.  Trim fields (boxes, lines and text)  are not pushed to the Audit form 
(and sometimes they are)
2.  Table fields are not pushed to the Audit from (and sometimes they are)
3.  Table fields are pushed to the Audit form, BUT are pointing at a 
completely different table with two random columns
4.  Most or ALL of the fields on the audit form disappear from the view, 
but are listed in the Fields in View.
5.  Most or ALL of the fields disappear from the form and are NOT listed 
in the Fields in View.
6.  Permissions are repeatedly stripped from Field 450 ('Original Request 
ID' - just like the archive form, holds the Request ID of the parent form)
7.  Permissions are repeatedly stripped from the other audit related 
fields no matter how many times permission is reapplied.
8.  Permissions are stripped from the fields being audited on the Audit 
9.  Auditing simply stops working -  no new records created in the audit 
10.  Auditing becomes disabled after enabling.
11.  New character fields are not created in the audit form with Auditing 
is enabled.

Here is my favorite one:
12.  New character fields ARE created in the audit form when the Auditing 
is DISABLED.  This is also a workaround I've found when new fields simply 
won't push to the audit form.  Disable auditing!

Since I knew it will be some time before these bugs are acknowledged and 
patched, I've tried to develop some workarounds.  Some simple, others 
extreme.  The numbers below coincide with the numbers above.
4.  Select  all of the impacted fields in the parent form and move them a 
pixel or two to enable the change flag.  Save the form and check the 
related audit form.  The fields will typically appear in their appropriate 
position on the audit form.

5.  When most or all of the fields disappear from the form completely, 
hopefully you've used some best practices and exported a def of the parent 
and audit form along with all of the data from the audit form; before 
making changes.  This is an "I give up.  I'm starting all over approach"
        a.  Import the parent and audit form together. 
        b.  Check "Replace Objects on Destination Server"
        c.  Check "Delete Excess Fields from Destination Server"

Acknowledgement - or Here is the new Defect number:
SW00292740 - Tech support was able to duplicate the reported issues AND 
more within the first few minutes of the call.  (Or, the time it took for 
her to create a brand new form, add a few fields and build the audit)

Anyone experience this flakiness?
Has anyone else experienced this?  Approximately 20 fields have 
disappeared from the audit form, after saving the parent.  Nope not in 
"Fields not in view", simply GONE.  I have since restored forms from 
definition file and started over.

ARS 7.1.0 Patch 002 (Windows 2003, SQL 2005)
Admin 7.1.0 Patch 002 (Windows XP Professional)
Mid-Tier 7.1.0 Patch 002 (Windows 2003, IIS 6.x, Servlet Exec 5.xx)

Thanks for listening.


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