I seem to recall one of my clients experiencing something similar when I was at 
STI.  If I recall correctly, they had several versions of Crystal reports: 9, 
10 and 11 in their shop, and the workstations that were experiencing the issue 
had either multiple versions installed on their machine or had upgraded, 
causing an issue with a DLL file.  I recall BMC support sending me a file to 
replace the DLL with, but this was two years and three contracts ago, so I 
don't recall specifics, but you may want to look at the crpe32.dll.  I've seen 
a variety of problems with it over the years.

Jennifer Meyer
Data Manager
Mystikal Solutions
"Bringing Order to Chaos"
desk: 843-218-7120
cell: 919-995-2402

From: Susan Palmer
Sent: Thu 01-May-08 10:55
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Crystal Report error on particular form and particular PC

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

Hi Dwayne,

We had numerous people in the same situation as you did.  And it wasn't
across the board, they could run some reports but not others.  To me it
seemed that a report with subreports caused more problems but that wasn't
consistent either.

We upgraded from 5.1.2 so we had many a/l buttons that still ran on a macro
and that appears to be a problem so we've had to change the workflow to ope=
window strategy.

Even after we get the user working, periodically they start getting the
errors again.  I believe it is ODBC related.  And it is generally after an
application has been installed so there must be some .dll overlap.  Althoug=
I cannot prove that theory out, we'll go with intuition.

When we have a user like that we do a removal of the C:\Program Files\Commo=
Files\Business Objects folder, clearing of all cache files (we have a cool
little program that does it that our new support provider TuringSMI
provided), complete uninstall / reboot / install, reconfigure the ODBC, mak=
sure all options are chosen correctly etc. and then it generally will work.
(well until the next time)

I had a ticket with bmc and that went no where.  After months of logging,
hoop jumping, doing it over and over on webex, the best they could recommen=
was switching from macro to open window a/l's.  Sort of works but was not a
total fix.

I hope some of  this info helps, feel free to ask questions, I may have
forgotten something.


On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Dwayne Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Susan,
> Thank you for your reply.  To answer your questions:
> Re:What version of Crystal are the reports created in?
> 9
> Re: Did you recently upgrade from a lower version of ARS?
> Not quite a year ago we upgraded from 6.3 to 7.1
> Re:What kind of a/l action are you using to initiate the reports, macro o=
> open window?
> Open Window.
> Re: In tools/options/advanced do you have ODBC user Underscores  checked?
> Yes
> Re: Is the ODBC driver configured for ARS?
> Yes. (Reports for other forms display OK.)
> Re: Have you cleared cache?
> We cleared the cache for the IT:Request form.  There isn't any cache for
> the reports.
> Re: On the c drive in common files there is a business object folder that
> needs to be cleared (would have to check my notes, sorry for vagueness).
> We don't have a C:\Common Files folder, but please tell us more.  This
> could be the problem.
> Thanks again,
> Dwayne
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:41:14 -0500
> >From: Susan Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Crystal Report error on particular form and particular PC
> >To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> >
> >   **
> >   Hi Dwayne,
> >
> >   What version of Crystal are the reports created in?
> >   Did you recently upgrade from a lower version of
> >   ARS?
> >   What kind of a/l action are you using to initiate
> >   the reports, macro or open window?
> >   In tools/options/advanced do you have ODBC user
> >   Underscores  checked?
> >   Is the ODBC driver configured for ARS?
> >   Have you cleared cache?
> >   On the c drive in common files there is a business
> >   object folder that needs to be cleared (would have
> >   to check my notes, sorry for vagueness).
> >
> >   We have this and similar problem periodically.  For
> >   a while it was rampant.  Personally I believe it is
> >   ODBC related since the installation of some little
> >   non-related tool we use can cause running CR to act
> >   up like this.
> >
> >   Sorry if this email is a little disjointed, I've
> >   been writing it for hours, word by word,
> >   interruption by interruption.
> >
> >   Susan
> >
> >
> >   On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Dwayne Martin
> >   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >     Dear List,
> >
> >     We have a form (IT:Request) with two buttons, each
> >     of which calls an Active Link, which launches a
> >     Crystal Report stored in the Report form.
> >
> >     On one of our PCs, if someone, it doesn't matter
> >     who, clicks one of these buttons they get:
> >
> >     "An unknown error occurred while generating the
> >     Crystal Report. 0x80047r41 =96 Unknown Database
> >     Connection Error [ARERR 1904]"
> >
> >     If they click a similar button on another form the
> >     report displays OK.  If they go to another
> >     computer even the IT:Request reports display OK.
> >
> >     The WUT configuration and version are the same as
> >     on other computers.  I couldn't find anything in
> >     Support KB about ARERR 1904. The user can display
> >     the reports from Mid-Tier launched from her
> >     computer.
> >
> >     Any idea what might be going on?
> >
> >     (ARS and WUT 7.1, RH Linux server, Oracle 10.2 db)
> >     Dwayne Martin
> >     James Madison University
> >
> >   __Platinum Sponsor: www.rmsportal.com ARSlist:
> >   "Where the Answers Are" html___

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Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

<div>Hi Dwayne,</div>
<div>We had numerous people in the same situation as you did.&nbsp; And it =
wasn&#39;t&nbsp; across the board, they could run some reports but not othe=
rs.&nbsp; To me it seemed that a report with subreports caused more problem=
s but that wasn&#39;t consistent either.</div>

<div>We upgraded from 5.1.2 so we had many a/l buttons that still ran on a =
macro and that appears to be a problem so we&#39;ve had to change the workf=
low to open window strategy.</div>
<div>Even after we get the user working, periodically they start getting th=
e errors again.&nbsp; I believe it is ODBC related.&nbsp; And it is general=
ly after an application has been installed so there must be some .dll overl=
ap.&nbsp; Although I cannot prove that theory out, we&#39;ll go with intuit=

<div>When we have a user like that we do a removal of the C:\Program Files\=
Common Files\Business Objects folder, clearing of all cache files (we have =
a cool little program that does it that our new support provider TuringSMI =
provided), complete uninstall / reboot / install, reconfigure the ODBC, mak=
e sure all options are chosen correctly etc. and then it generally will wor=
k. (well until the next time)</div>

<div>I had a ticket with bmc and that went no where.&nbsp; After months of =
logging, hoop jumping, doing it over and over on webex, the best they could=
 recommend was switching from macro to open window a/l&#39;s.&nbsp; Sort of=
 works but was not a total fix.</div>

<div>I hope some of&nbsp; this info helps, feel free to ask questions, I ma=
y have forgotten something.</div>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:21 AM, Dwayne Martin &l=
t;<a href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0=
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Hi Susan,<br><br>Thank you for y=
our reply. &nbsp;To answer your questions:<br><br>Re:What version of Crysta=
l are the reports created in?<br>
9<br><br>Re: Did you recently upgrade from a lower version of ARS?<br>Not q=
uite a year ago we upgraded from 6.3 to 7.1<br><br>Re:What kind of a/l acti=
on are you using to initiate the reports, macro or open window?<br>Open Win=
<br>Re: In tools/options/advanced do you have ODBC user Underscores &nbsp;c=
hecked?<br>Yes<br><br>Re: Is the ODBC driver configured for ARS?<br>Yes. (R=
eports for other forms display OK.)<br><br>Re: Have you cleared cache?<br>W=
e cleared the cache for the IT:Request form. &nbsp;There isn&#39;t any cach=
e for the reports.<br>
<br><br>Re: On the c drive in common files there is a business object folde=
r that needs to be cleared (would have to check my notes, sorry for vaguene=
ss).<br>We don&#39;t have a C:\Common Files folder, but please tell us more=
. &nbsp;This could be the problem.<br>
<br>Thanks again,<br>Dwayne<br>
<div class=3D"Wj3C7c"><br>---- Original message ----<br>&gt;Date: Wed, 30 A=
pr 2008 15:41:14 -0500<br>&gt;From: Susan Palmer &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:suza=
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt;<br>&gt;Subject: Re: Crysta=
l Report error on particular form and particular PC<br>
&gt;To: <a href=3D"mailto:arslist@ARSLIST.ORG";>arslist@ARSLIST.ORG</a><br>&=
gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; **<br>&gt; &nbsp; Hi Dwayne,<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; What=
 version of Crystal are the reports created in?<br>&gt; &nbsp; Did you rece=
ntly upgrade from a lower version of<br>
&gt; &nbsp; ARS?<br>&gt; &nbsp; What kind of a/l action are you using to in=
itiate<br>&gt; &nbsp; the reports, macro or open window?<br>&gt; &nbsp; In =
tools/options/advanced do you have ODBC user<br>&gt; &nbsp; Underscores &nb=
sp;checked?<br>&gt; &nbsp; Is the ODBC driver configured for ARS?<br>
&gt; &nbsp; Have you cleared cache?<br>&gt; &nbsp; On the c drive in common=
 files there is a business<br>&gt; &nbsp; object folder that needs to be cl=
eared (would have<br>&gt; &nbsp; to check my notes, sorry for vagueness).<b=
r>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; We have this and similar problem periodically. &nbsp;=
&gt; &nbsp; a while it was rampant. &nbsp;Personally I believe it is<br>&gt=
; &nbsp; ODBC related since the installation of some little<br>&gt; &nbsp; =
non-related tool we use can cause running CR to act<br>&gt; &nbsp; up like =
this.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; Sorry if this email is a little disjointed, I&=
&gt; &nbsp; been writing it for hours, word by word,<br>&gt; &nbsp; interru=
ption by interruption.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; Susan<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;=
 &nbsp; On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Dwayne Martin<br>&gt; &nbsp; &lt;=
<a href=3D"mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Dear List,<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; We have=
 a form (IT:Request) with two buttons, each<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; of which =
calls an Active Link, which launches a<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Crystal Report=
 stored in the Report form.<br>&gt;<br>
&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; On one of our PCs, if someone, it doesn&#39;t matter<br>=
&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; who, clicks one of these buttons they get:<br>&gt;<br>&g=
t; &nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;An unknown error occurred while generating the<br>&g=
t; &nbsp; &nbsp; Crystal Report. 0x80047r41 =96 Unknown Database<br>
&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Connection Error [ARERR 1904]&quot;<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbs=
p; &nbsp; If they click a similar button on another form the<br>&gt; &nbsp;=
 &nbsp; report displays OK. &nbsp;If they go to another<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbs=
p; computer even the IT:Request reports display OK.<br>
&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; The WUT configuration and version are the same a=
s<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; on other computers. &nbsp;I couldn&#39;t find anyth=
ing in<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Support KB about ARERR 1904. The user can disp=
lay<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; the reports from Mid-Tier launched from her<br>
&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; computer.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Any idea what mi=
ght be going on?<br>&gt;<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; (ARS and WUT 7.1, RH Linux s=
erver, Oracle 10.2 db)<br>&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; Dwayne Martin<br>&gt; &nbsp; &=
nbsp; James Madison University<br>&gt;<br></div>
</div>&gt; &nbsp; __Platinum Sponsor: <a href=3D"http://www.rmsportal.com/"=
 target=3D"_blank">www.rmsportal.com</a> ARSlist:<br>&gt; &nbsp; &quot;Wher=
e the Answers Are&quot; html___<br></blockquote></div><br>
__Platinum Sponsor: www.rmsportal.com ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are" html___


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