This is a longish posting,

Please read the entire post.

thank-you in advance......



As Founder of the ARSList (in November 1993),

 it is my privilege to announce the 14th Annual ARSList Awards Call For


These awards were created by me in 1995

to recognize the effort that other people were putting into the list by

providing the excellent technical replies and sometimes mediocre humour,

and to provide them an incentive to keep providing those excellent technical


It also became apparent that some Remedy, and now BMC Remedy, employees were

exceeding expectations  in providing support to the ARSlist community.


The ARSlist corporate sponsor Resource Managaement Solutions

provides the award plaques, prizes, and various flying objects.


I now open nominations for ARSlist MVP (Most Valuable Poster)

And BMCSoftware Remedy Employee Beyond the Call of Duty.


The Rules for Nominations and some General Rules:


* An individual must be nominated by at least two independent sources


*  The past fiscal years postings are somewhat reviewed to ensure that this
is someone who posts quality answers.

( Not that anyone has ever been rejected on this basis)


* Only those that were on the list for the entire year are eligible


* Only those that have registered on the ARSList before August 8th, 2008 are
eligible to vote. 

It is assumed you won't vote if you haven't been around long enough to know
the posters in question. 

In the unlikely event of another tie,  the person or product with the
greatest number of sources of votes will receive the award,

And if that too is a tie, there will be two that receive the award.


* Voting and nominating is by the Individual REAL person, 

so redistribution lists don't vote, 

and those that have multiple subscriptions should still only vote once.


* BMCSoftware employees on the ARSlist are eligible to vote


* All decisions of the oversight panel are final 

(if I have to make a controversial decision, I will confer with 3 past MVP
winners for their opinion)


* Nominations posted to the list are not accepted, they must be to

* Votes posted to the list are not accepted, they must be to


Past MVP [Most Valuable Poster Award] recipients are:


2007 Rick Cook

2006 Axton Grams

2005 Tim Widowfield

2004 Matt Reinfeldt

2003 Carey Matthew Black

2002 Chris Woyton

2001 Gidd Calden

2000 Jarl Groneng,Tommy Nijem

1999 Rick Cook

1998 Raymond Leach

1997 Vicky Bayol

1996 Joel D. Sender

1995 Martin Nystrom




*MVP - Most Valuable Poster.

This is the person you feel has contributed the most to the list in a
combination of quality and quantity.

Anyone who has won the award in the last 5 years, BMC employees are not



BMCSoftware Remedy Employee Beyond the Call of Duty Award


Again, an individual or product must be nominated by at least two
independent sources.


(past winners are David Easter and Leonard Warren)


This is intended to be for an individual that has gone beyond their job
specs to help

The ARSlist community, and by extension the Remedy Community. This can, and

Included Support and training staff that provide exceptional service.




Nominations for other Categories are also open until August 17th.


Nominate a potential winner for another  Category while you suggest the
category if you wish



[If nomination requirements for at least one entitiy in the category are not
met, no Award will be conferred in that category]


Please send nominations to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:



Voting thresholds and the software categories for this year are still being

all suggestions are welcome. The voting threshold is a way of ensuring there
is enough participation

to consider each of the awards to be valid. If 10 out of 4400 people on the
list vote, does that consititute

the ARSlist having declared that whatever deserving an award? Last year some
software didn't make the threshold,

and in some categories no software was nominated.



Time Lines:


August 17th, 2008 8p.m.EST: nominations close 

(if I receive good other categories, the category will be posted in time for
people to nominate potential recipients)


August 19th, 2008 any time zone: Voting begins for MVP and all other


September 2nd, 2008 at 8 p.m. EST: The voting Closes for MVP and all other


Thursday October 16th, 2008  5:00p.m. (date/time subject to change) at 

BMC UserWorld 2008:Award Ceremony 


[no one knows the winner(s) until then, well okay, except me and the plaque


Please send nominations to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 


thanks ...Daniel

Daniel Bloom 

Founder of the ARSList

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