Hi Mark,

No problem here, I pasted the text below:


Performing a recovery from a hot (online) backup of the database can result
in the logical corruption of data after recovery if you are using any of the
BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle products with Oracle Database 10g and have
enabled the recycle bin.

Solution Description:
By default SQL-Backtrack for Oracle issues the query
in order to determine the NULL blocks or free space of a datafile.

Unfortunately because of Oracle bug 5083393 this query doesn't return the
correct NULL blocks. This can happen under the following conditions:
- Oracle version is or higher
- recyclebin is enabled
- there are one or more dropped tables which were not purged from recyclebin


a) Locate the BMC SQL-BackTrack parameters file in the following directory:
- For UNIX systems: $DTBASE/obacktrack/ctl
- For Microsoft Windows systems: %DTBASE%\obacktrack\ctl

b) Add following line to (optional) parameters file:


2.) disable Recycle Bin

a) for Oracle version 10.1

SQL> CONN sys AS sysdba

SQL> SELECT a.ksppinm, b.ksppstvl, b.ksppstdf
       FROM x$ksppi a, x$ksppcv b
      WHERE a.indx = b.indx
        AND a.ksppinm LIKE '%recycle%'
      ORDER BY a.ksppinm;

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET "_recyclebin" = FALSE;

b) for Oracle version 10.2


SQL> ALTER SYSTEM  SET recyclebin = OFF;

Below, is the entire content of the BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle Flash,
dated September 15, 2006, regarding this issue:


This flash describes a workaround for the products listed above to prevent
the problem from occurring. If you have any questions about the problem or
the solution, contact BMC Software Customer Support at 800 537 1813 (United
States or Canada) or call your local support center.

Performing a recovery from a hot (online) backup of the database can result
in the logical corruption of data after recovery if you are using any of the
BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle products with Oracle Database 10g and have
enabled the recycle bin.

The Oracle bug 5510991 (base bug 5083393) affects an Oracle query (referred
to as the NULL BLOCK query in this flash). The BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle
products use this query during a hot (online) backup of the database to
identify and then skip the free blocks in a data file. By default, the BMC
SQL-BackTrack products use the Oracle standard view SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE to
query free blocks, also known as NULL blocks.

During a hot database backup for Oracle Database 10g with the recycle bin
enabled, this bug can cause Oracle (SYS.DBA_FREE_SPACE view) to incorrectly
identify blocks that contain data as NULL blocks. This, in turn, causes the
data in these mis-identified blocks to be ignored during a backup with BMC

Does this problem affect my database backup?
Perform the following checks, to determine if this problem affects your
database backup.

1 Use SQLPLUS to run the appropriate query to determine if the recycle bin
is enabled on your database.

For Oracle version 10.1.xxx, use
Show parameter _recyclebin
If the value of the parameter is TRUE, then the recycle bin is enabled on
your database.

For Oracle 10.2.xxx, use
Show parameter recyclebin
If the value of parameter is on, then the recycle bin is enabled on your

If recycle bin is not enabled, it is unlikely that your database backup is
affected. If the recycle bin is enabled, then continue and run the queries
shown in next two steps.

2 Run the following query:
Select block_id, count(*) from dba_free_space group by block_id having
count(*) > 1;

If the above query returns any row, then your database backup is potentially

3 Run the following query
Select count(*) from dba_free_space where file_id != relative_fno;

If the above query returns a value greater than zero, then your database
backup is potentially affected.

BMC Software has developed a workaround for this Oracle bug. If you are
using Oracle on a Solaris 64-bit platform, you can either use the
following workaround to disable the NULL BLOCK query or install an Oracle
patch designated in "Alternative Oracle patch".

Disable the NULL BLOCK query
Use the following procedure to disable the standard NULL BLOCK query used by
the BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle products during hot backups.

1 Locate the BMC SQL-BackTrack parameters file in the following directory:

For UNIX systems: $DTBASE/obacktrack/ctl
For Microsoft Windows systems: %DTBASE%\obacktrack\ctl
2 Add following parameter to the BMC SQL-BackTrack parameters file:

3 If you do not find the parameters file, use a text editor to create the
file in the ctl directory identified in Step 1 and add the parameter.

These steps ensure that the BMC SQL-BackTrack for Oracle products do not use
the NULL BLOCK query to identify null blocks. Instead, the products read
each individual block in the database during backups to correctly identify
and skip the NULL blocks. Disabling the standard NULL BLOCK query results in
additional I/O.


    Even if (1) the recycle bin is disabled or (2) the recycle bin is
enabled but neither query indicated that your database backup is affected,
BMC Software recommends that you do the following:

1. Use this workaround and disable the NULL BLOCK query for future backups.

2. Take a full backup immediately after disabling the NULL BLOCK query.



Alternative Oracle patch
If your are using Oracle on a Solaris 64-bit platform, you can
install the Oracle patch 5083393, or use the workaround from BMC Software to
fix the 5083393 bug. If you are using any other version of Oracle 10g on any
other platform, you must use the workaround on page 3 to disable the NULL
BLOCK query.

Where to get the latest product information
To view the latest BMC Software documents, visit the Customer Support page
at http://www.bmc.com/support_home. BMC Software distributes printed copies
of flashes, technical bulletins, and release notes with most product
shipments, as indicated on your shipping list. In addition, all notices are
available on the Customer Support page, including any notices that BMC
Software issues after you receive your product shipment. You will not
receive new notices by mail. However, by subscribing to proactive
notification, you can receive e-mail messages that direct you to those
notices. For more information about proactive notification, refer to the
Customer Support page.

To obtain the latest version of these products, contact your BMC Software
sales representative or contact BMC Software Sales at 800 793 4262.

2008/8/11, Mark Milke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Listers,
> I was wondering if you guys have more luck searching Remedy's
> Knowledge Base. Trying to view the SLN000000226633 I'm getting this:
> Caught exception
> http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/javascript/ClientCore.js:8542
> - TypeError:
> fi is undefined... AT:
> Field_Defaults(0,1,0)@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/
> javascript/ClientCore.js:8542
> EventWindowOpen([object Object])@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/
> resources/javascript/ClientCore.js:9775
> ([object Object])@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/javascript/
> ClientCore.js:2333
> SetupState()@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/javascript/
> ClientCore.js:1184
> ([object Object])@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/javascript/
> ClientCore.js:2334
> WorkflowContext([object Object])@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/
> resources/javascript/ClientCore.js:2292
> ARSystemInit()@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/resources/javascript/
> ClientCore.js:951
> ScriptLoaded()@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/apps/remcspenu.bmc.com/SSP/
> SHARE%3ASolution/KM/?mode=4&eid=SLN000000226633&cacheid=97078374:5
> onload([object Event])@http://support.bmc.com/arsys/apps/
> remcspenu.bmc.com/SSP/SHARE%3ASolution/KM/?
> mode=4&eid=SLN000000226633&cacheid=97078374:1
> Mark
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