AR 7.1 p5, Linux, Oracle, Approval Server 7.1 


I've read in the approval server documentation where the length of the
approver fields on AP:Signature can be increased from 255 to accommodate
longer approver names. However, this doesn't seem to help with the AP:Role
member list which is still limited by the approval server itself to 255


<APPR>    Expanding roles for approver(s): AP:Test List 1

<APPR>       - Expanded Approver list longer than max of 255 characters,
truncated to max


I then had the idea of pre-expanding the role into a temporary field and
letting the Prep Get Next Approver and Get Next Approver rules use the
pre-expanded list. That worked fine until I ran into the issue where the
Temp Char 2 field on AP:Detail I was using was set to 255 characters. 


I increased that and everything works fine up until the Get Next Approver
rule runs when I get:


<APPR>       - Approver list longer than max of 255 characters, truncated to


Even nesting roles doesn't let you get past this restriction. If I create 5
roles and each has a member list that is about 100 characters long and I add
4 of them to the fifth role I get:


<APPR>       - Expanded Approver list longer than max of 255 characters,
truncated to max


So, long question short: Is there any way at all to make an AP:Role longer
than 255 characters AND use it in approval rules? I'm 99% sure I can send in
an "ad-hoc" approver to the Next Approvers field that is longer than 255 but
if I want the approval server to do any work with seems it can't be


If anyone has any experience with this, good or bad (i.e. how to do it or
more proof it can't be done) I'd appreciate it.


--- J.T. Shyman


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