We are currently trying to connect to our email server within remedy so
we can have incoming emails into our system.  We configured everything
in the email configuration form but we keep getting the following errors
in the email log


SEVERE: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building
failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target 


With a bunch of other information as well.  The we are connecting via
imap4 over SSL on port 993.  We have imported the Root certification as
well as the certificate chain into the java keystore for the AR Server.
We are connecting to other applications via Web Services over SSL but we
have those servers certs in the keystore as well.  Has anyone had issue
with this before.


With remedy 7.1 when you connect to a server do you have to have the
server cert installed in your java keystore on the UNIX server for this
to work. 


We are on

AR Server 7.1 patch 4

SunOS 5.1 AR Server



Kevin Begosh, RSP

Tech Ops

Enterprise Business Services

301-791-3540 Phone

410-422-3623 Cell


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