Hi all,
I have complaints of slow or never-ending reporting in ITSM 7. After a lot of 
looking around, I am wondering if the inherent design of the reports is a big 
factor. Such as a Join done in the report (with a subreport), ODBC overhead etc.

Can somebody run this report for me and tell me how long it takes. If you can 
use Remedy User instead of a browser and do this on a powerful box (may I 
suggest production?) that would be nice--

Incident Management Console->Reports

On "ReportSelection" popup choose this "Report Name":
Incident->Incident Information->All Incidents->Incicent Details By Date Range

For "Start Date" and "End Date" select dates that would give you at least 500 
Incidents in your environment. Closer to 1000 would be nice.

Choose "Destination" = "Screen"

Click "Run Report" and start your "Stop Watch"

On the prompt asking for titles, just click "Ok"

Let me know:
(1) how long until the report completes...meaning ReportViewer pop-up has 
finished loading all data (hint where it shows page info like this "1/6+", 
presence of "+" means its still loading more.

(2) how many Incidents did you catch

(3) does your report have "work info" included for incidents?

(4) Quick detail of your environment. The network path between your PC and the 
server, how "strong" is the AR Server/Database

Ok, it's quite some work...but may I plead that I would do this for you? :)

If you want to be really nice to me, if you could do the same report such that 
your date criteria catches no Incidents at all, how much time till the Report 
windows shows up and completes loading with no info on the report?

Thank you in advance.


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