Dear List,

This is complicated so please bear with me.

I have a form that contains a table of entries from another form.
On the main form is a button, that calls an outer active link, that calls a 
guide, that calls an inner active link, that processes the table.  The guide is 
set to “Table Loop Selected Rows Only.” (The inner link writes a column value 
into a field, which is how you know it has processed the row.)

Because the first row in the table is automatically selected, I have an active 
link that runs on display that sets the table value to 0.  When the form 
displays you can see the table opening up with the top row selected, and then 
getting de-selected.

Once the main form is displayed I click the button and the inner link processes 
the first table row, even tho it has been de-selected.  If I click the button 
again it does not process the row a second time.  If I trigger an error message 
before clicking the button the inner link does not process the first table row. 

It seems like the guide doesn’t know that the table row is unselected, until an 
active link runs in addition to the one that set the table to 0.  If I have the 
two links display the value of the table, they both say it is "0", even as the 
inner link is processing the row.

I tried running a second table refresh after setting the table to 0 and that 
seems to have fixed the problem, but I am still puzzled by what is going on.  
Is this a bug, or am I not understanding something?

Dwayne Martin
James Madison University
(ARS and client tools 7.1 p3, RH Linux server, Oracle 10.2 db)

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