
Active links pull Date/Time formats from the Regional settings of the client. 
You might start there. 


-----Original Message-----
From:         Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig <>

Date:         Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:46:57 
To: <arslist@ARSLIST.ORG>
Subject: Field limits and date only fields

Hi guys, (is it going to be "Jarl to the rescue" again :-D)

I have a weird bahviour in a vendor form:

I have a Date field, which fails when a date is pushed to it by an active link. 
The value is taken from a Date/Time field and run through the 
DATE($mydatetimefield$) function.

the error:

"ARERR [306] Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field :  
(0 - 0) : 536870922"

from the log:
"<ACTL>             (536870922) = 24. august 2009"

as far as I can tell the date field limit is defined by the 
DateOnlyFieldLimit(); method in Java, and I can't see any restrictions in the 
database section of the field properties - so i guess the 0 - 0 is a wild goose 

I've had some other bothers with regional settings - is that whats bothering me 
here to? shouldn't the value be "24-08-2009" and in that case, how to I get my 
active link to format the date properly?

thanks in advance,
ARS 7...@w2k3

Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
Remedy Developer
BEC Competence Centre
Phone  (+45) 46 38 20 08
Mobile  (+45) 61 56 20 08

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