Hi, can you explain to me what you just try to do ?

im trying to create task, via filter, this works, im doing a direct push 
to tms:Task, but the problem is when the change request is moved to 
sheduled, the task status is never updated ....

dod you have a similar problem ?


"Pierson, Shawn" <shawn.pier...@sug.com> 
Envoyé par : "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 
2009-08-28 16:00
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How to automatically add tasks via filters

Good afternoon,
I don?t know if anyone has worked with this before, but I?ve run into a 
snag.  Right now, I?m trying to automatically create the tasks via three 
task group templates via filters.
Basically, from the application (I?m using Work Order, but this could 
apply to Change just as easily), I have a filter that looks for a certain 
set of conditions on submit, and when that happens the filter triggers the 
following actions
1.      Push Fields to TMS:ParentApplicationTemplateBuilder.
2.      Run Process (Application-Query-Delete-Entry "TMS:Flow" 
'RootRequestInstanceID' = "$InstanceId$" AND 'ParentID' = "$InstanceId$" 
AND 'Sequence Mode' = "Yes" AND 'Status' = "Pending")
3.      Push Fields to TMS:FlowBuilder.
These three items are mirrored after what happens when you use a Work 
Order Template with a related Task Group Template.  The only thing I need 
to do is be able to similarly add task groups and tasks based on my own 
workflow.  I think this is close, but I may be missing something.  If you 
have done something like this before, let me know.
Shawn Pierson 
Remedy Developer | Southern Union
5444 Westheimer Rd. Houston, TX 77056 | 713.989.7226
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