Hi guys

I have experimented with multiple plugin servers, starting with two to start 
off with.

I have copied the contents of the %ARSYSTEMHOME%\pluginsvr directory to 
%ARSYSTEMHOME%\pluginsvr2 and set up the second server to listen on port 9998, 
then I modified the armonitor.cfg so it contained the following two lines:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\jre\bin\java" -Xmx512m -classpath 
"C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr;C:\Program Files\BMC 
com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain -x b00011101496 -i "C:\Program 
Files\BMC Software\ARSystem" -m

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\jre\bin\java" -Xmx512m -classpath 
"C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr2;C:\Program Files\BMC 
com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain -x b00011101496 -i "C:\Program 
Files\BMC Software\ARSystem" -m

Also making sure that the jar file containing our ARDBC plugin is in a 
subdirectory to the pluginsvr/pluginsvr2 dir.

The peculiar thing is, that the armonitor never starts either of the servers. I 
went further with my experiments, and not even the original pluginsvr will 
start via armonitor now.

I checked armonitor.log and found several lines like: 
Wed Sep 02 19:08:44 2009     No such file or directory : "C:\Program 
Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12\jre\bin\java" -Xmx512m -classpath "C:\Program Files\BMC 
Software\ARSystem\pluginsvr;C:\Program Files\BMC 

I can run both plugins manually at the same time, but when i try to run either 
of them through armonitor they fail. In an attempt to get a clean log under 
100.000 kb i backed up and deleted armonitor.log and now it simply doesn't log 
any more

Any suggestions are very welcome!

best regards

Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
Remedy Developer
BEC Competence Centre
Phone  (+45) 46 38 20 08
Mobile  (+45) 61 56 20 08

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] På vegne af Jarl Grøneng
Sendt: 19. august 2009 11:22
Til: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Emne: Re: Java ARDBC plugin failing with multiple instances "No suitable driver 
found for "

Static init method is something like this:

* Implementation of the static init method, to do any static initialization for 
this class.
* This method is called once for each class that implements one of the 
ARPluggable interface
* on plugin server startup
* @param context
public static void init(ARPluginContext context){
        System.out.println("Static initialize method invoked");
        System.out.println("UserDefined value for sample " + 
context.getConfigItem("sample")); }


2009/8/19 Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig <jonas.stumph.stevns...@bec.dk>:
> Slightly OT :
> No static init routine found, skipping init call
> which function is the "static init routine" ?? I have initialize() - is there 
> another?
> And on another note - noticed this in the logs:
> Loading Java PluginSet DB2
> Number of shared URLs for group DB2 is 0 Loading all Java Plugins for 
> the group DB2 Attempting to load Java Plugin TD99 Number of URLs for 
> plugin TD99 is 2
> URL1: 
> file:/C:/Program%20Files/BMC%20Software/ARSystem/Arserver/api/javaplug
> ins/BECplugins/arapi.jar
> URL2: file:/C:/Programmer/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip
> No static init routine found, skipping init call - TD99 Done  to call 
> init plugin TD99 Successfully loaded Java Plugin TD99
> It appears that the dual plugin server solution is the only answer. I'll look 
> into that tonight.
> Med venlig hilsen
> Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
> Remedy Udvikler
> BEC Kompetence Centret
> Telefon (+45) 46 38 20 08
> Mobil   (+45) 61 56 20 08
> jonas.stumph.stevns...@bec.dk
> Til remedy spørgsmål: becrem...@bec.dk
> BEC - det fælles it-hus, der gør forskellen for finansielle 
> virksomheder
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] På vegne af Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
> Sendt: 19. august 2009 10:14
> Til: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Emne: SV: Java ARDBC plugin failing with multiple instances "No suitable 
> driver found for "
> Hi Jarl and Sean,
> I tried the <pluginset> approach, and it didn't resolve anything. I still get 
> this error for the second plugin:
> Error establishing jdbc connection to the datasource jdbc:db2:CD99  No 
> suitable driver found for jdbc:db2:CD99
> I have yet to try the dual java pluginserver approach, just have another 
> assignment blocking the pipe at the moment - I hope I can set it up tonight.
> with regards,
> Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
> Remedy Developer
> BEC Competence Centre
> Phone  (+45) 46 38 20 08
> Mobile  (+45) 61 56 20 08
> jonas.stumph.stevns...@bec.dk
> becrem...@bec.dk
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] På vegne af Jarl Grøneng
> Sendt: 18. august 2009 19:51
> Til: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Emne: Re: Java ARDBC plugin failing with multiple instances "No suitable 
> driver found for "
> Plugingroups are done this way:
> ----------------------------
> <plugins>
> <pluginset name="group1">
>    <plugin>
>      <name>CD99</name>
>      <type>ARDBC</type>
>      <code>JAVA</code>
>      <filename>C:/Program Files/BMC
> Software/ARSystem/Arserver/api/javaplugins/BECplugins/arapi.jar</filen
> ame>
>      <classname>com.bmc.arsys.plugins.jdbc.JdbcDataSource</classname>
>      <pathelement
> type="location">C:/Programmer/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip</pathelement
> >
>      <userDefined>
>        <url>jdbc:db2:CD99</url>
>        <driver>COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver</driver>
>        <user>someUser</user>
>        <password>somePassword</password>
>        <dbtableprefix>T</dbtableprefix>
>        <dbtablecreator>CD99</dbtablecreator>
>      </userDefined>
>    </plugin>
>    <plugin>
>      <name>OD99</name>
>      <type>ARDBC</type>
>      <code>JAVA</code>
>      <filename>C:/Program Files/BMC
> Software/ARSystem/Arserver/api/javaplugins/BECplugins/arapi.jar</filen
> ame>
>      <classname>com.bmc.arsys.plugins.jdbc.JdbcDataSource</classname>
>      <pathelement
> type="location">C:/Programmer/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip</pathelement
> >
>      <userDefined>
>        <url>jdbc:db2:OD99</url>
>        <driver>COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver</driver>
>        <user>someOtherUser</user>
>        <password>someOtherpassword</password>
>        <dbtableprefix>TD</dbtableprefix>
>        <dbtablecreator>OD99</dbtablecreator>
>      </userDefined>
>    </plugin>
> </pluginset>
>        <plugin>
>                <name>JARL.SUPER.PLUGIN</name>
>                <type>ARDBC</type>
>                <code>JAVA</code>
>                <filename>jarl.jar</filename>
>                <classname>com.bmc.jarl</classname>
>                <pathelement type="path">in the cloud</pathelement>
>                <pathelement type="location">in the cloud</pathelement>
>        </plugin>
> </plugins>
> ---------------------------
> 2009/8/18 Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig <jonas.stumph.stevns...@bec.dk>:
>> **
>> Hi - I'm still messing with this problem.
>> I just stumbled across this:
>>      * Note: If you are using the same class as two different plugins 
>> identified by two
>>      * different ids,  then these will not be able to share any 
>> resources as they are
>>      * loaded by two different classloaders, unless they were grouped 
>> in a plugingroup
>>      * in the plugin configuration, in which case they will be able 
>> to share resources.
>>  in this file:
>> http://svn.arswiki.org/arapi/releases/win71/src/javaplugins/samplesrc
>> / java/com/bmc/arsys/plugin/sample/ARDBCSample.java
>> has anyone got an idea how to group the plugins in pluginsvr_config.xml??
>> <plugingroup>
>> <plugin>
>> ...
>> </plugin>
>> <plugin>
>> ...
>> </plugin>
>> </plugingroup>
>> does not load anything at all - nor does it give an error... I wish 
>> there was a DTD i could refer to.
>> Med venlig hilsen
>> Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
>> Remedy Udvikler
>> BEC Kompetence Centret
>> Telefon (+45) 46 38 20 08
>> Mobil   (+45) 61 56 20 08
>> jonas.stumph.stevns...@bec.dk
>> Til remedy spørgsmål: becrem...@bec.dk
>> BEC - det fælles it-hus, der gør forskellen for finansielle 
>> virksomheder
>> ________________________________
>> Fra: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
>> [mailto:arsl...@arslist.org] På vegne af Jonas Stumph Stevnsvig
>> Sendt: 14. august 2009 14:32
>> Til: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
>> Emne: Java ARDBC plugin failing with multiple instances "No suitable 
>> driver found for "
>> **
>> Hi listers,
>> I really hope one of you has a solution for me here.
>> We have developed an  ARDBC driver for connection to a DB2 database.
>> in the production environment we need to connect to two different 
>> databases, so I have configured two <plugins> in pluginsvr_config.xml:
>>     <plugin>
>>       <name>CD99</name>
>>       <type>ARDBC</type>
>>       <code>JAVA</code>
>>       <filename>C:/Program Files/BMC
>> Software/ARSystem/Arserver/api/javaplugins/BECplugins/arapi.jar</file
>> n
>> ame>
>> <classname>com.bmc.arsys.plugins.jdbc.JdbcDataSource</classname>
>>       <pathelement
>> type="location">C:/Programmer/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip</pathelemen
>> t
>> >
>>       <userDefined>
>>         <url>jdbc:db2:CD99</url>
>>         <driver>COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver</driver>
>>         <user>someUser</user>
>>         <password>somePassword</password>
>>         <dbtableprefix>T</dbtableprefix>
>>         <dbtablecreator>CD99</dbtablecreator>
>>       </userDefined>
>>     </plugin>
>>     <plugin>
>>       <name>OD99</name>
>>       <type>ARDBC</type>
>>       <code>JAVA</code>
>>       <filename>C:/Program Files/BMC
>> Software/ARSystem/Arserver/api/javaplugins/BECplugins/arapi.jar</file
>> n
>> ame>
>> <classname>com.bmc.arsys.plugins.jdbc.JdbcDataSource</classname>
>>       <pathelement
>> type="location">C:/Programmer/IBM/SQLLIB/java/db2java.zip</pathelemen
>> t
>> >
>>       <userDefined>
>>         <url>jdbc:db2:OD99</url>
>>         <driver>COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver</driver>
>>         <user>someOtherUser</user>
>>         <password>someOtherpassword</password>
>>         <dbtableprefix>TD</dbtableprefix>
>>         <dbtablecreator>OD99</dbtablecreator>
>>       </userDefined>
>>     </plugin>
>> If I enable one of them, I can connect with no problem whatsoever, 
>> however; as soon as I enable the second driver, It gives me the following 
>> error:
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:10,676 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.g (?:?) - Attempting to Create an 
>> instance of the plugin CD99
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:10,676 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.ARPluginContext (?:?) -
>> <CD99>initialize()
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:10,755 INFO  [main]
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.ARPluginServerMain (?:?) - AR System Plugin 
>> Server Version 7.5.00 Patch 002 200906100308
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:11,083 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.g (?:?) - Thread 11 successfully 
>> created an instance of CD99
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:11,098 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.g (?:?) - Attempting to Create an 
>> instance of the plugin OD99
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:11,098 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.ARPluginContext (?:?) -
>> <OD99>initialize() No suitable driver found for
>> jdbc:db2:OD992009-08-14 14:02:11,114 INFO [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.plugins.g (?:?) - Thread 11 successfully 
>> created an instance of OD99
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:11,114 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.d.b
>> (?:?) - Done iniPlugins for thread: 11
>> 2009-08-14 14:02:11,114 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1] 
>> com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr.d.b
>> (?:?) - Java plug-in server has initialized plug-ins for all 1 core threads.
>> The server is ready to receive RPC calls.
>> Java plug-in server has initialized plug-ins for all 1 core threads.
>> The server is ready to receive RPC calls.
>> I have a feeling that it has something to do with a limitation of the 
>> driver, but I am not sure - any bits and bids are most welcome
>> Cheers
>> Jonas Stevnsvig
>> _Platinum Sponsor: rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist: "Where the 
>> Answers Are"_ _Platinum Sponsor: rmisoluti...@verizon.net ARSlist:
>> "Where the Answers Are"_
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